internship start

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"I don't have any"
Hawks said, coming up with the quickest excuse he could think of.

Midoriya held back a satisfied scoff, "this is why you're my favorite spy, your excuses are perfect and believable.

Let's see how far I can probe"
He thought to himself, clearing his throat.
"Why don't you have any interns working with you? Don't you have an agency?"
He asked, politely.

"I have sidekicks, but no interns. It's really because in the past I was worried about taking in an intern, but I'm pretty certain that you'll be a perfect fit for my agency!"

Midoriya smiled, it was a smile that hid a devious grin. A grin of knowing, a grin that would give him away...
A grin that was full of pure venom.
He sighed, "alright then! That makes sense, and no one else is really as enthusiastic to have me intern with them."
He replied, deciding not to push any further as it would potentially give himself away.

Hawks's face practically jumped with surprise, he had Been preparing for several more questions. He let out a relieved breath and smiled back, "great.
I'll see you then"
He walked out, leaving Midoriya alone in the large conference room.

Midoriya glanced around, "there's a couple cameras around here, I would know.
Can't drop my act now. Time to go help the other detectives."
He tossed his shoulders upwards and relaxed, letting out a bright smile just for the cameras to see. There was nothing to be suspicious about... Nothing at all.


The internship week dawned upon all of class 1-A.

Many things were going on in everyone's lives, Midoriya knew about practically all of it.
"Stain hasn't been properly dealt with"
He thought to himself, glancing at Iida at the train station as he awaited his train to come.

Iida had been emitting hate, a pure need for vengeance. If that wasn't enough for anyone to notice, anyone could've noticed the fact he picked one of the lowest ranking heroes on his list to intern with...

Midoriya on the other hand knew exactly why he had been upset, with the ability to read his mind it was difficult not to know.
"If he were more likely to be easy to push into becoming a villain, I'd recruit him as Optic.
But, knowing who Iida is, after he fails to properly get revenge he'll just go back to his regular self and train harder to become a hero.

I can't have him interfering with Hawks's assignment to kill Stain...
This is something that can't be messed up, it's required it goes the way I intend it to.
How do I prevent error...

Easiest solution would be to kill Iida.
But that allows room for other issues.

Should I just allow it to play out?

Knowing Hawks, he can't afford to get caught.
Iida would be a witness to any potential crime if he's seeking out stain at the same time that Hawks is aiming to kill Stain.

Hawks would kill Iida and get rid of any witnesses.

But can I allow that?
Iida isn't all too important, however if someone from class 1-A dies- it opens up a spot for someone else from the lower classes to join.
Whoever that transfery could be would be a potential issue for me.

I'll think about this later."
Midoriya thought to himself, watching his train come in.
He stepped inside and watched the rail tracks as he made it to the city of Hawks's agency, Kyushu.

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