The Shut Down

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I've been waiting to shut this school down and reveal myself."
The mole said aloud, as they made their way to where they needed to be.

Things were almost in place for their great reveal.


Midoriya walked through the forest, avoiding the toxic fumes and smoke.
He watched the destruction before his very eyes, seeing the devastation through others' eyes.

As he flipped through the eyes, he heard many thoughts.
Some irrelevant and some that struck some concern.

"I can't believe it....
No no..."

A thought said loud and clear.
Midoriya zoned in on the person and noticed they were in a deep part of the forest, almost a little too close to where he had been...

"Those sound like Hawks's thoughts when he found out...
Did someone else besides Mineta see me??"
Midoriya thought to himself, in a panic.

"Deku.. "
A grim voice broke him out of his train of thought.
Midoriya stopped dead in his tracks and slowly turned around.

Midoriya replied, his hand slowly reaching to grab his dagger.

You're a villain...

I saw everything...
You and Hawks...

Killing Mineta...

The eye on the palm of your hand...

You're Optic...?"
Bakugo said, choking on half his words.

Where'd you get that idea?"
Midoriya asked, his left eye flushing red beneath his contact. He placed a firm hand on his dagger, he didn't have a choice anymore.
"It's fine. I planned to kill him one day anyway"

"You villain bastard...
How could you?!"
Bakugo screamed, launching himself forward with an explosion.

Midoriya bit his lip and rolled to the side, "this isn't exactly what I had planned but whatever"
He thought to himself, slicing up Bakugo's left arm as he dodged his explosion attack and delivered his own.

A large cut from Bakugo's forearm up to his bicep formed.
He winced in pain as blood quickly made its escape.

Midoriya stood diagonal to Bakugo, holding the bloodied dagger ready to attack once more.

"You think that's all it'll take?!
I've trained all my life to beat villains like you deku"
Bakugo hissed, sending out a massive explosion which blinded his vision.

"Heat and contacts aren't a good mix, I need to take them out"
Midoriya thought to himself, rolling to the side and into a bush.

He quickly removed his eye contacts and put them in his container which rested in his pocket.
His left eye glowed red as he jumped out the bush and pounced on Bakugo.

Bakugo blocked and attempted to deliver his own attack but Midoriya
Dodged and blocked.
"Since when was his eye a different color..??
And why is like....
I'm staring at my own eye!?"

Midoriya grinned and stabbed Bakugo's hand right where the explosions were produced.

Bakugo screamed in pain as Midoriya punched his stomach and pulled out his second dagger, leaving the first one lodged in his hand.

Bakugo was launched back, hitting his head on a tree.
He gasped for air as he stared at his hand.
The dagger went all the way through and to the other side, his skin rigid up as blood seeped out through the opening.
If he removed the dagger, blood would come pouring out.

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