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"What's your quirk?"
Tsukauchi asked, smiling at Midoriya.

Midoriya flashed an innocent smile back, "Naomasa Tsukauchi.

His sister happened to be born with a lie detector quirk but he was left without a quirk at all.
However, he can detect lies in a degree that it's like he has a quirk of his own.

I speak lies as if they are the truth.

So it's nothing harmful to me.
But to be safe, I'll be cautious"
he thought to himself, clearing his throat to speak.

"I was diagnosed as quirkless.
I rely entirely on my physical ability and witts"
He replied.

You're like me.
I was also born quirkless. I had to train extra hard to get my position."
Tsukauchi smiled, watching Midoriya grasp onto the suitcase properly.

"Wow! It's not everyday you get to meet another quirkless person."
Midoriya smiled, not struggling at all to hold the heavy case.

Now in the case there's a bunch of gear that you should get used to using.
You also have a file on your very first mission.

Solve the case as soon as you can.

It's a moderately difficult case so if you need help you can always ask for it.
There's already some other people working on the case, so if you can't solve it don't worry."

Midoriya nodded his head, "should I begin it right now?"
He asked.

"Yes, you leave here in a couple hours so you have time."
Tsukauchi replied.
"...if he can solve this case he'll be allowed to help with the optic case...

He just has to solve it fast enough..."

Midoriya heard his thought.
He held back a smug grin as he propped the case down on a table and sat down.
"Alright, I'll try my best"
He smiled.

He opened up the case and grabbed the file that sat above all the tools.
It was a large file containing details about a recent increase in random unknown death.
His job was to figure out the cause based on the details given.

It was a difficult case, a case that was far too difficult for even an intermediate detective.
Tsukauchi knew as it was even a difficult case for him.

"I hope he ends up being a great help in the future..."
Tsukauchi thought to himself as Midoriya began his intensive work.

He pulled out a notebook and got to organizing all the details that were in the file.
He put all the similarities on one side, organized by date, and all the differences on another.

He highlighted important details, connected one detail to another, researched about causes of random death.

It took hours, 3 hours to be exact.

Tsukauchi watched as he sat there for 3 hours straight and worked hard.
Midoriya would have to go home in just an hour.

As Midoriya worked in the background, Tsukauchi also worked.
Aside from watching Midoriya, he had duties to fulfill.

After another 30 minutes, Midoriya stood up and let out a satisfied sigh.
"I figured it out."
He said, wearing a bright smile as he handed over the notebook full of details to Tsukauchi.

"You did?"
Tsukauchi said, the words coming out with pure surprise.

Midoriya replied, allowing Tsukauchi to take the notebook.

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