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The moon sat high in the sky.
A cold chill blew through the air, it hit Midoriya's body.

He glanced around, adjusting the black face mask he had been wearing.
His disguise wasn't anything too special.
It was just a black metal mask paired with colored eye contacts, a black hoodie, and pants.

The gear wasn't what made His stealth so special, it was his ability.

"We'll start with eraserhead.
It'd be smart if I started with my current obstacle.
Then I'll move onto killing that hero and then sticking the eyes in alleyways."
His eyes turned a sky blue as he looked into an eye he drew.

It was the big commission that has been hung on a large building in Tokyo.

"I need to get an idea as to where eraserhead is.
His usual shifts start at 12am and end at 3am.
On Monday, Wednesdays, and Friday he patrols Tokyo.
On Tuesday and Thursday, he patrols Kyoto.
And on Saturday and Sunday he patrols Hosu.

However, even though it's AM hours and technically the next day. He does it based on what day the morning was.

So he's on a Wednesday night shift on an early Thursday morning.


So he's in Tokyo.
But where."
Midoriya looked around with the eye, he spotted him moving around on the main road.

"There he is.
He's about 2 miles and 602 feet away from me.
Considering his walking pace and if I decide to run, I'll be able to spot him in 3-7 minutes.
Since I'm not killing him I'll have to take extra measures to make sure I'm not spotted."
Midoriya thought to himself as he switched perspectives to another eye drawn on the street eraserhead had been walking down.

"He's drinking a coffee.
He's right handed but he's drinking it with his left hand so his guard is definitely up.
He's looking into most of the alleyways he passes but isn't doing anything.

That's because I specifically instructed for the groups I'm in control of to lay off of crime for this week.

Seeing my current position and his along with the speed he's walking at, it's likely he won't make it over to me for another 40 minutes.
But I don't feel like wasting time to I'll go over to him.

He isn't looking up at rooftops.
Hm, the heights of the buildings aren't safe enough though. If it make even the tiniest of noise he'll be able to see me.
Sticking to alleyway will have to be the safest option."
Midoriya ran down a couple streets, crossing into multiple alleyways.
He had taken a shortcut to get to eraserhead the fastest way possible.

He made a stop at 1 alleyway and hid by black garbage bags.
He pretended to be one and only left the eyes on the palms of his hands out.
They remained shut most of the time until time came to actually use them.
He was at an angle where he could see anyone that passed by but anyone that passed by wouldn't be able to see him.

Now I just wait for him to pass in 5.
Aizawa walked right past the alleyway, he took a peak inside but continued on his way when he saw nothing.

Midoriya grinned, "perfect yet again"
He quickly shut his palm eyes, rolled up his gloves, and made a safe escape.

"Now I can see what he's seeing and hear his thoughts.
He ran far off, searching for the hero he had to kill.
He knew exactly where he'd be, all he had to do was get into position.

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