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"The decision is yours to make!"
Nezu cheered, handing Midoriya the contract paper.

Midoriya glanced down at him, then back at the paper handed before him.
He retained his jolly expression, though internally he had been manically grinning.

"Can I have some time to think about the offer?"
Midoriya asked.

"Of course!
Please report your decision to me by tomorrow."
Nezu said, walking over to his seat and sitting down.

"Thank you for this opportunity.
I will come back with my decision tomorrow, I must go to class now."
Midoriya said, placing the contract in his book bag carefully.


Midoriya walked out of the room, hardly able to contain his wicked expression.
But he had to, there were too many eyes watching.

He went to the bathroom and shut himself in a stall.

His eyes gleamed with excitement, "this is perfect."
A grin grew on his face, it was plastered ear to ear.

"With this, I now have the ability to directly interfere with my investigation. I finally have all the pieces I needed...!
I can now officially play on both sides.


It's a bit risky.

I've refrained from any direct involvement from the very beginning, I've sent moles out in my stead.

That way, if they get caught they can be disposed of properly.

But placing myself in the investigation possibly on my self...

I'd be able to misguide them directly.
But it would be suspicious.

How is someone as smart as I leading all the police and detectives down the wrong path?

Well I don't have to take this offer...

But it would also be suspicious if I didn't.
What excuse would I have to declining an offer as good as this?

I'm a "hero in training" which already directly implies I'm fighting for 'justice'.

And this offer to literally anyone else would be something they take up in an instant.

I can't lie with excuses like "I'm worried about my safety" or "I'm not interested in personal involvement" because as someone who's a "hero in training" those are things I'm supposed to already be getting involved in.

He said he wouldn't bring it up if I declined, but he only says that because he's expecting me to accept.

Because I shouldn't have a reason to decline.

And it's not like he isn't smart, he's smart enough to be able to figure out how suspicious it is to decline.

If it were someone like kaminari then I wouldn't worry.

But this is someone who also has a high IQ.

"Why would he decline?" would be his first question.
And if he doesn't ask directly he'd likely do a small investigation on me.


If I do take up the offer, I'll be working on numerous investigations that could indirectly be linked to me and my organization.

Things like the illegal imports or the black market...

Those link to me indirectly.

If I assist then I'd be Jeopardizing myself.

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