Chapter 203

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Zhou Qing Bai comfortably enjoyed the massage from his wife. As for the three sons, he wasn't worried. She had always taught them very well.

He was probably tired too. As he was massaged by his wife, he actually drifted into slumber.

Lin Qing He didn't disturb him either. Even if she had prepared a bountiful meal during the autumn harvest, he was still very drained. Once one's mind was relaxed, people would naturally fall asleep.

He got up at four o'clock the next day.

When he got up, Lin Qing He had already gotten up first and had breakfast made.

In the autumn harvest season, one must eat food like mantou so that they won’t get hungry so quickly. Big white mantou was served with scrambled eggs & cucumber and a plate of meat.

He ate with Father Zhou. Then the father and son headed out first after finishing breakfast.

Lin Qing He went back to sleep for a while.

These days, the weather was slightly cloudy. The production team was very busy. For fear that the autumn rain would come early, they all started to snatch the grain from dawn to dark.

Even on the side sun-drying yard, people were keeping watch. It can't go without a labor force for a moment.

In such an environment, Lin Qing He's school had to be suspended.

Mother Zhou left Su Xun at home for her to watch a bit. She too had to help out in the sun-drying yard.

Lin Qing He was still mainly responsible for the family's three meals. She put her utmost to cook up a good three meals.

This year, due to the sulky weather and the fear of raining, the autumn harvest was handled really fast.

The leader even increased the work points limit. For a while, Zhou Qing Bai got twelve work points every day. Father Zhou, who initially didn't plan to work so hard, earned ten work points again. It was really important to be swift.

The autumn harvest, which was supposed to last until November, was completed at the end of October.

What's more, the sky was quite beautiful. Even though it was cloudy, it hadn't rained.

The autumn rain came after the public grain was handed in. Just when they planned to distribute the last batch of food, it came down.

Even so, the leader and others immediately arranged to distribute the food to everyone. Only then the task for this year was completed.

Same as the previous years, Lin Qing He bought a few hundred jins when seeing that there was a lot of food left at the team. All of these were reserved for business.

For the whole year, she relied on this autumn harvest's grain to make a large profit.

And because it was new grains, the profits were basically half. So it was a big deal. Also, she got this cheating artifact, the space. It would be a pity if Lin Qing He didn't make this profit.

The sky after the autumn rain was still relatively cloudy and the temperature dropped a lot.

"I'm afraid it will be extremely cold this year."

Mother Zhou felt the weather and stated.

"What do you mean?" Lin Qing He asked.

"Listening to your father, he remembers that it was like this in the past. It was only October, and the weather was very cold. That year, some old people in the village were frozen to death." Mother Zhou explained.

[Part 2] Back To The Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise The CubsWhere stories live. Discover now