Chapter 362

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It wasn't easy to see Zhou Kai.

It was rare for him to come back. He did come over to see his grandparents, but most of the time he stayed at home with his parents.

For example, today. He and his two younger brothers were taken to the mall by Lin Qing He.

Although he will go back to the academy after the New Year, Lin Qing He still bought him new clothes, from top to toe.

Zhou Kai said, "I won't have much chance to wear it." Once he's back at the academy, he had to wear a uniform, which was all the same.

"It's alright if you can't wear it a few times." Lin Qing He didn't mind.

Zhou Gui Lai saw a camera on a shelf in the mall.

Lin Qing He noticed this boy's behavior and gave him two glances. She didn't buy it for him yet. Wait until next year.

Sons ah. One can meet his requirements, but he can't be satisfied as soon as his wish comes up. The most correct way was to leave him hanging for a while.

It was to let him know that things aren't easy to come by and that it was even more difficult for parents to make money.

That was how one should raise their sons. Can't spoil them too much, otherwise, it would be easy for them to become a white-eyed wolf.

However, Lin Qing He wasn't aware that her eldest son was excluded (from the above statement). Afterward, Second and Third got a few sets of clothes and two pairs of shoes. If this wasn't doting, then what was?

Can only say that the standards were different.

After all, a camera was a few hundred. She wanted to buy a good one, which was a minimum of four to five hundred yuan.

The mother and sons came to the dumpling shop after shopping.

In the dumpling shop, Zhou Qing Bai, Zhou Er Ni, and Aunt Ma were all busy.

It was the end of the year. Raw dumplings were selling well. Everyone didn't want to make it themselves, so they just came over and buy some to cook at home.

"Hurry up and help. Have to make another ten jin of dumplings." Zhou Er Ni told Zhou Kai and the others.

Everyone was making dumplings. Lin Qing He asked, "When is our dumpling shop on holiday?"

"Twenty-eighth,." answered workaholic Zhou Qing Bai.

He had written a red sign and stuck it outside the door. It was open as normal until the twenty-eighth day and then it was closed for holiday. Then after the seventh of January, the dumpling shop would continue to open.

Su Da Lin's bun shop's opening was the same as his.

Lin Qing He didn't have any objection. Then twenty-eighth it was.

Aunt Ma smiled and said, "Business is good. It's fine to do for two more days."

The other workers under Lin Qing He was on vacation without pay, while Aunt Ma was still working like normal. Once she is off for the New Year, she'll get a paid leave.

For Aunt Ma, that was wonderful. Basically, she had nothing to do and the whole family was idle at home. Why not earn more?

"Have to give Aunt Ma a vacation." Lin Qing He said with a smile: "Why haven't Xiao Dan come over to watch TV these past few days?"

Ma Xiao Dan was a frequent visitor and comes to watch TV every day.

"He has some cough these past two days. His father had taken him to the hospital today." Aunt Ma answered.

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