Chapter 237

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It wasn't just Zhoujia village's educated youths pushing for a divorce. Other production teams were the same.

It can be said that the troubles were nonstop. Still, old Zhou family didn't get involved at all.

Mother Zhou was feeling a little bit emotional at this time. Thankfully, Fourth's wife was decisive enough. If not, with the current trouble, who would they seek to settle the account?

The determination of educated youths was clearly unshakable. Even when one was the son-in-law of the leader, he too got a divorce.

However, he promised that if he passes the exam, he will definitely come and bring his wife and children away.

Who knows if this promise will be fulfilled or not.

Lin Qing He and Da Wa officially became Bei University's students in the year 1978.

She told Da Wa to go with the current course pace. However, Lin Qing He had a different plan for herself.

According to the current university, she'll graduate in four years. Some departments even take five or six years. Lin Qing He didn't want to take up up that much time.

Even if she follows the course length, it won't delay too much. But Lin Qing He wants to make money.

Reform and the restrictions drop will begin this year. Every year from now on, there will be a big improvement.

So Lin Qing He went all out on studying.

She was a foreign language department. Initially, Da Wa wanted to study the foreign language department with his mother. However, Lin Qing He refused because Da Wa's strength was geography.

So Lin Qing He got him to enter the Department of Geography.

Lin Qing He did teach him English.

After Da Wa had learned his part, he will come to his mother's class from time to time to find a sense of existence.

A college student as young as Da Wa was very rare, even in a place like Bei University,. In addition, he had good grades, can talk, outgoing, and looked handsome. Bei's University teachers and students liked him very much.

Naturally, they also knew that Lin Qing He, who was fluent in foreign languages, was his mother.

Both mother and son were admitted to Bei University. Have to say, this was a legend in the university.

Lin Qing He urged Da Wa to not work so hard and to play basketball or some exercise every day. As for herself, she huddled in the library whenever she had time.

Sometimes she would stay there for the whole day. Such an effort in studying had the old man in the library looked at her highly.

That day, Lin Qing He came a bit late and almost didn't get a seat.

She wasn't the only studious one. Other students were just as hardworking. All of them were trying hard to learn what they could learn.

The old man that watched the library gave her a place: "This classmate, come and sit here. There is a spot."

Lin Qing He came over and thanked him.

"I heard that you never went to school before. Just attended literacy class for a few days, and then the rest were learned by yourself?" the old man asked.

"When I was very young, I wanted to study very much, but my parents didn't agree. Later, I was fortunate enough to meet my husband. Before he got injured and hadn't retired, there was a monthly allowance. So I was lazy and didn't work. I hid at home, watched my children, and studied." Lin Qing He replied.

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