Chapter 300

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"Completely better." Old Wang replied energetically.

Aunt Ma was delighted. Because she was in a hurry to go home and cook for her spouse, she said: "I won't talk to you for now."

When she went home to cook, she told her spouse, "Look, I'm not wrong. How good it was to recognize a godchild? It's the same as having a biological child."

Uncle Ma had a surge of emotion. When one getting older, they just want their child by their side, right?

If something happened, they'll receive care.

Wasn't it like this for old Wang this time? He got Xiao Kai guarding him every day. In the evening, he can eat on that side. Whatever serving tea and water, he just got to speak out.

Uncle Ma felt that recognizing a godchild happened in a timely manner.

It was justified for them to take care of him, no?

Aunt Ma also talked about this to her old friends. All her old sisters said recognizing this godchild was done right.

"Who doesn't know that old Wang has a lot of money and a large courtyard put out for rent. Maybe they're eyeing at these." However, there were different opinions. Some people said this.

They felt that Teacher Lin and her spouse got a very deep mind. This was obviously aiming at old Wang's assets.

However, the majority of the people were sensible.

If they can take care of him during his old age, there was nothing wrong with giving it to godsons and god-grandchildren?

At birth, they can't bring over anything, neither can they bring anything away during death. What's the use of hoarding it?

To paraphrase an old saying, an old man at this age isn't afraid of others seeking his things but he is afraid of having nothing in his hands for people to eye on.

Lin Qing He and Zhou Qing Bai just wanted a relative in the capital. They didn't really care about old Wang's money and property.

Both of them can make money on their own.

Even when it was currently winter, Zhou Qing Bai's dumpling shop business was still very prosperous because he had been in business for a year. After all, he had already gained a certain degree of reputation.

If one wants to eat anything else, one can go to other individual stores. But if one want to eat dumplings, people will first think of his place.

Every month, there can be more than two hundred and nearly three hundred profit.

Because of this very considerable profit, Zhou Qing Bai got up and went to the shop before six o'clock every morning.

How much profit can be made in one year?

How can there be none?

In particular, the couple plan to go south every summer.

As for the winter vacation, then they'll go to Hai City and wander around. It will definitely make a good earning.

The income of the family can be said to be very hefty. Not like that of old Wang.

Lin Qing He and Zhou Qing Bai didn't reply to outsiders' guess. They also didn't care much.

Life went on as usual.

In a blink, it was December.

The reason why December was called December was that it was a good season for making bacon and sausages.

Stuffing sausages were too difficult and Lin Qing He was too lazy to make it, so she just marinated the meat to make bacon.

It was hung in Zhou Qing Bai’s dumpling shop to dry. Because it looked delicious, so many customers asked how was this bacon sold?

[Part 2] Back To The Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise The CubsWhere stories live. Discover now