Chapter 372

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"This is your wife's idea?" Mother Zhou smilingly said.

"En." Zhou Qing Bai nodded.

Mother Zhou had approximately guessed this. She was clear about her son's temperament. Just from the shop, she can tell. As expected, only his wife was possible.

"Father and Mother can't help with anything." Mother Zhou uttered embarrassedly.

"It's okay. Just hire someone and let them watch." Zhou Qing Bai didn't mind.

Mother Zhou grinned and went back first since there was nothing else.

After eight o'clock in the evening, Su Da Lin brought Zhou Xiao Mei over. Lin Qing He's family was watching TV.

Hu Zi and Zhou Er Ni hadn't got off class at this time. They will not finish until nine o'clock. The two were still attending evening classes.

"Go and pour water for your uncle and aunt." Lin Qing He ordered Third.

Zhou Gui Lai went to pour water.

After Zhou Xiao Mei took a seat, she couldn't help but said, "Fourth Sister-in-law, have you opened a shop again?"

"En. Opened a beverage shop over at the cinema." Lin Qing He cheerfully replied.

"Fourth Sister-in-law, this is your fourth shop. Can you handle them all? We just got one shop and feel that there is not much time in a whole day." Zhou Xiao Mei emotionally remarked.

The business at the bun shop was great. She and her Da Lin were busy all day long. Her mother had to cook the meals, while the children had to be picked up from school by her father. They didn't have that time at all.

"How can it be the same? You two are hands-on. We hired people." Lin Qing He pointed out.

"Will there be business then?" Zhou Xiao Mei perplexedly wondered.

"I don't know yet. I just want to give it atry." Lin Qing He answered.

"The chest freezers you bought last time you went to Hai City were for this shop to sell popsicles?" Zhou Xiao Mei asked.

"En." Lin Qing He nodded.

"Open... at the... cinema is wonderful." Su Da Lin said.

He felt that Fourth sister-in-law was truly a college student and had the capability to teach college students. If one opened next to the cinema, how the business will be was definitely go without saying.

"It's still a street away from the cinema." Lin Qing He said with a smile.

Although it was across the street, the location was indeed excellent. Otherwise, how could she possibly spend three thousand yuan to buy that small broken shop?

It must be known that Ma Cheng Min found people to repair and decorate and it took almost 500 yuan to renovate the small shop.

The couple sat until nine o'clock and then went back.

Lin Qing He saw that it was about time and went to rest with Zhou Qing Bai.

"If we open a shop next time, got to hide it." Lin Qing He said to him.

Zhou Qing Bai didn't get it.

Lin Qing He explained: "Cause too much stir."

"It's fine." Zhou Qing Bai didn't care. Now business was allowed. Whether it is a stall or a self-employed business, it was a legitimate industry allowed by the state. So what was the problem?

The state allowed some people to get rich first, and then push the people behind to become rich. What's more, every shop hired people. This also provided jobs for people, which was highly respected by the state.

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