Chapter 379

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First Sister felt discomfort in her heart. Lin Qing He knew to some extent, but from the beginning to the end, she wasn't one who would care about other people's thoughts.

It was basically impossible for her to put herself in a position to think about others. Suitable ones her side will take. Not suitable, she won't even use even if they were her own sons. As for the explanation? There was none.

Lin Qing He planned to let Gang Zi come over. Once he becomes familiar, she would let his brother Hu Zi try to set up a street stall.

After exercising for a year or two, she'll see if Hu Zi had the intention to go out alone.

If so, she will support it.

As for the shop, just find someone else to watch it.

She brought these nephews and nieces over because she wanted them to catch up with this first-mover bus. Not because she wanted them to work for her a lifetime.

In a blink of an eye, it entered June. The college entrance examination arrived for Zhou Yang and Zhou Wu Ni.

Because Third Brother and Third Sister-in-law were in the county city, both Eldest Brother and Eldest Sister-in-law didn't have to worry about Zhou Yang. They left it all to Third Brother and Third Sister-in-law.

The relationship between Third Sister-in-law and Second Sister-in-law was terrible, but it was still pretty good with Eldest Sister-in-law. What's more, the college entrance examination was a major matter, they naturally take care of it.

Because of the large number of subjects, it took three days for the exams to be completed. After the exams, Zhou Yang and Zhou Wu Ni gave it their all.

During the college entrance examination, they were extremely nervous. Now that it was over, they can naturally take a good rest.

But whether it was Zhou Yang or Zhou Wu Ni, they started to prepare to go to the capital once the vacation began.

When Zhou Yang got home, Eldest Sister-in-law told him to take the Gang Zi with them.

So Zhou Yang came to his second aunt's house to inform him to prepare as they will go to the capital together tomorrow.

After all, they'll be on the road for so many days. This summer vacation was a little longer, but if they can pass the exam, they will have to report to the university in advance. Therefore, there won't much time left.

So after the exam, they were off for vacation. Naturally, they have to depart for the capital as soon as possible.

As for the results, they can just call back home when it was time.

So on the second day after the college entrance examination, the experienced Zhou Yang and Zhou Wu Ni brought Gang Zi, who traveled for the first time, to the capital.

Regardless of whether it was a bus or a train, for Gang Zi, it was like a grown girl getting on the sedan chair for the first. Simply a novel experience.

He looked forward to the future in the capital even more.

He was thinking if the capital city was wonderful, then he will settle there in the future. He will work for his uncle for a lifetime!

Due to this year's college entrance examination, so their vacation came early.

When Zhou Yang, Zhou Wu Ni, and Gang Zi arrived, Lin Qing He hadn't got her holiday break yet. It was another half a month or so before it starts.

Lin Qing He was delighted when the three came over.

She requested Zhou Qing Bai to add three more dishes on top of the usual ones. Beverages were also served. It was considered  a welcome banquet.

[Part 2] Back To The Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise The CubsWhere stories live. Discover now