Chapter 383

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Third Sister-in-law Lin was naturally shocked still. This was too exaggerated.

Four thousand yuan. Even when the family earned a lot in the past two years, their savings were still far from that amount.

The shops in the capital were actually that expensive?

"The area is a bit smaller than your shop. You can still live here, but the shops over there, one can't live it." Lin Qing He said.

"Why is the shop over there so expensive?" Third Sister-in-law couldn't help but utter.

"It must be expensive. How can big cities not be expensive? And the money one makes isn't as much as your shop." Lin Qing He said.

Whether it was her Qing Bai or Su Da Lin's steamed bun shop, the maximum monthly income should be four hundred or so. Not over five hundred.

She estimated that with her third brother, could make a profit of five to six hundred yuan a month from going back and forth to the countryside twice a day.

Regardless of the fact that fruits, vegetables, chickens, and eggs had a small margin, it was the bulk of it was overwhelming. With so much supplied every day, the profits won't be too small.

"That property looks good, just buy it. The children are so big now. Don't worry about the money." Lin Qing He looked at her sister-in-law and urged.

"Just don't know if it will be cheaper in the future? I think it hasn't been sold even until now." Third Sister-in-law Lin remarked.

"How much was this shop at the beginning, even though it was a coincidence that you got it so much cheaper? Now look at it again. Can this shop be bought at the previous price?" Lin Qing He chuckled.

One have to buy a house as early as possible. Money was becoming less and less valuable. There was no reason why a house in a good location will depreciate.

And depreciation doesn’t matter. If one buys a house for themselves, it didn’t matter whether it goes up or down. It won’t be so crowded anyway.

After all, the nieces and nephews were getting older, so naturally, they can't be squeezed together.

"Third Sister, do you think we can buy it?" Third Sister-in-law Lin asked since she believed this sister-in-law.

"Buy." Lin Qing He said decisively.

The two sisters-in-law chatted for a while. Zhou Qing Bai and Third Brother Lin came back.

Third Brother Lin was obviously delighted. He was already able to drive it. It certainly wasn't too difficult. If he practiced for two more days, he would basically be no problem at all.

"Go and get money for sister. Seven hundred and seventy." Third Brother Lin directed to his wife.

"Your wife gave it to me." Lin Qing He interjected. Seeing that he had lost a lot of weight this year and looked so tanned like something, she said: "You're already thirty, you should always pay attention. Now it’s important to make money, but if you don’t take good care of your body, you will regret it later."

"I know. My wife stewed me two chickens a month to replenish my body. Other times, I often have pork and eggs." Third Brother Lin smilingly said.

Although he earned a lot, their monthly living expenses still took up a bit.

Although Third Sister-in-law Lin's lifestyle was frugal, she was still willing to treat her own man. After all, it was too laborious. How could not giving meat do?

So eggs and likes were available to eat.

Lin Qing He gave him an eye roll and said, "Two chickens a month is not alot. Your brother-in-law said that I had a hard giving class, so he would cook one for me in three days."

[Part 2] Back To The Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise The CubsWhere stories live. Discover now