Chapter 2 Eve

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The darkness gives way to the dance floor, with flashing lights and pulsing music. Bodies move fluidly to the beat. Some of the new couples are groping each other in the darker corners, the occasional cry of pleasure coming from others in the surrounding forest. The full circle bar is jammed with unclaimed, drowning their sorrows with the abundant alcohol available.

My father catches my eye and heads over, while Reece plonks himself down on a chair, as far away from the unclaimed at the bar as he can. He is going to play the waiting game. Soon as my three hours are up, we will head off. I am going to go get changed and conveniently forget to return to the party. Especially after I trip, slip, and land on Reece's... I couldn't wait.

My father comes and stands in front of me. He gives me a quick appraising once over.

"You look lovely Eve. In a dress even. Late but lovely." He smiles with pride.

"They threatened me with the pink monstrosity Mother has," I say with a shrug. "Seemed the lesser of two evils. I'm only an hour and a bit late." Dad just laughs.

Two hours" He corrects, before offering his arm to me. I take it and glance nervously at Reece, as Dad moves me towards the unclaimed.

Some of my own unclaimed warriors let out whistles and hoots of approval from the table they have claimed as I walk past. I flip them the bird.

"Yak it up boys, your training now starts an hour earlier tomorrow." I coo to them, laughing at their groans of dismay.

Dad tugs on my arm and we begin making our way around the groups of men chatting. I am polite but obviously disinterested. Not that it stops them from undressing me with their eyes. Everyone wants an Alphas daughter as their mate.

I shift uncomfortably and glance around, not looking at the man who is currently rambling about how unfair it is that he wasn't the mate of such a gorgeous creature.

If his touchy-feely hands, touchy feel my waist one more time, I may just have to break his fingers!
But thankfully his hands move away. I smile politely to move away, while my father's shoulders subtly shake as he contains his laughter at the obvious unwanted attention.

I freeze at the sound of sniffing behind me as Sir touchy-feely grabs a handful of my hair and smells it. My eyes narrow at his groan of arousal. Seeing murder in my eyes, my father swiftly intervenes, deftly plucking my hair from Touchy's grasp and excusing us.

"Who the hell is he and how did he make it into the allied territory? Guys got major issues!" I whisper.

Dad just chuckles and pats my shoulder. "That slimy individual is Alpha Trent's son from the Silver River pack, Marcus. His father is a good man though."

"Shame his son's such a tool then." I hiss, as he steers me to the bar. "If touchy-feely ever takes over as Alpha, please ditch the alliance."

"I have to admit, I'm relieved there was no mate bond springing to life there. I'm not sure I could have blessed that joining." Dad mock-shudders, signaling to the barman, who promptly pours us two bourbons on the rocks. Taking a sip, I close my eyes, enjoying the burn sliding down my throat.

"Although, I am getting worried Eve. It's your fifth year and to be honest, I need to talk to you about Reece."

My eyes snap to his. Feigning nonchalance, I shrug.

What about Reece?"

"I do have some concerns..." He trails off. I gulp. Did he know? I only need to make it another five years, then Reece can claim me without batting an eye. We were so careful, no one knew...Well - that I knew of. Dad however has a very knowing look in his eyes, as he sips his drink and ponders his next words.

Loud male laughter and cheers make their way from the opposite side of the bar, drawing my attention. A man in one of the groups is being congratulated for finally finding his mate. Apparently already freshly mated, going by the still raw marks on his neck.

His eyes catch mine for a moment and my Dad and I salute him with our glasses to wish him well. There is a hulk of a friend of his, standing with his back to the bar, thudding on the mated man's shoulder in celebration. I'm not exaggerating, the man is built like a damn freight train, with tattoos peeking from his clothing and running down his arms.

"Alpha Darius," Dad whispers in my ear. "Force to be reckoned with, that one. At one point he thought he was your mate." My eyes widen. Say what now?

At the smile and nod of the newly mated's head in my direction, the hulk turns in my direction with a smile on his face, which quickly morphs into disbelief.

The world stops.

No joke. Our eyes meet. There is nothing else, just him and me. Unsaid promises, hopes and dreams, stretch out before us.

The glass in his hand shatters as it hits the concrete, breaking the spell. One word enters my mind. Reece.

I have to get to Reece. I have to run. I am in control of my destiny, not the Fates. I am choosing who I love mate bond be damned! However, how does one run from a mate, especially an Alpha?

I quickly up end my drink down my throat, before snatching my now grinning fathers and upending that too.

"Huh! Guess he was right," Dad says amused.

Looking back across at my mate, I see him regarding me with curiosity. Probably wondering why I wasn't dry-humping his leg yet. I snort at the idea, reaching over the bar to snag the bottle of bourbon. De-capping it, I put the bottle to my lips and guzzle. My eyes are glued to my mate while I contemplate my next move. He opens his mouth but I hold a finger up to signal him to give me a minute.

He frowns.

"Well done Eve. An Alpha." My father clasps his hands together happily. I slam the bottle down with a snarl.

"HELL. FUCKING. NO!" I growl at him. Glancing back at my mate, who I can see is gearing himself up to pounce over the bar.

I take a step away from the bar. Then another, as my mate's muscles bunch.

"Sit! Stay!" I order desperately, but the hulk isn't listening and is on the move.

y flight instincts kick in and ignoring my father's concerned shouts, I turn and race for Reece. "Sorry, not today Fido!" I holler to my mate. Fuck my luck! Fuck, FUUUUCK!

Chapter 2 done and dusted. If you like it, vote for it.
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