Chapter 17 Eve

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Trigger warning, things are about to get extremely bad in this chapter. If you’re squeamish or easily shocked please skip this chapter.

I jerk awake to the sound of the cell unlocking. My eyes swiftly move to my door, to see it still closed. I glance at the ones across from me as Caleb begins to snarl. Kassy’s cell is open and her chains are moving up. ‘Fang boy’ shoots me a smirk as Kassy is raised from the ground and I begin to tug at my chains.

“Don’t you fucking dare! Don’t you touch her!” I snarl at him. His smile grows as he reaches out and tears her clothes from her body. He gives a nod to one of the minions accompanying him and my chains rise to give me a front-row seat to whatever new depravity he has planned.

Walking behind her and grabbing her hips, he runs a hand over the front of her body. Caressing her baby bump as she shudders and whimpers. Caleb has devolved to completely primal animal sounds, consumed with rage at his mate being touched by another and an active threat to his unborn child.

“I have high hopes you can give me what your dear sissy over there wouldn’t.” He says to Kassy, undoing his zipper. He positions himself behind her. “I hope you scream for me, so loud they hear it for miles!” Her jaw drops open and her eyes bulge as he thrusts and forces his way inside her, before a loud keening wail of despair breaks from her chest.

He thrusts harder and she begins to fight against him, screaming, tears pouring down her face. A quick glance at Caleb has me glancing away just as fast. He is trying to chew his hand off to get free and help her. I dry heave in my mouth. Tears form in my eyes as I squeeze them shut so I can’t see.

Her cries suddenly choke off and my eyes open of their own accord to see him feeding on her. Her eyes are glassy with pain and shock. He raises his head from her neck, yelling out his pleasure as he finds his release.

Pulling free of her, he gives her butt a playful swat.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about! Take a leaf out of her book Eve, struggle and scream and it will be over so much faster for you and I’ll be happy and out of your hair.” He saunters over to Kassy’s chain control buttons and starts to lower her so her feet touch the ground.

Kassy groans and her knees buckle. ‘Fang boy’ halts her release as Kassy grimaces and groans again.

“What’s wrong sweet cheeks? Never had a cock so big before?” He laughs. Kassy looks at me in horror as water gushes suddenly down her legs. My own jaw drops.

“No, oh my god, no, not now, not here!” She cries at me. ‘Fang boy’ however is over the moon and jumping around with glee. He’s quick to lower her the rest of the way down and is watching her in rapt interest.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Caleb has almost freed his first hand. He just needs to snap the bone off at the wrist, now that the muscles are out of the way. His fear for his mate and baby outweighs his own physical pain, as his mate panics and hyperventilates.

“Kassy, look at me!” I snap at her, “No one else, just you and me.“ Her eyes jerk to me. “Do you remember when we told the boys we were going skinny dipping and they ripped off all their clothes to join us but we grabbed their clothes instead and ran away? Then they had to explain to Dad why they were skulking away in the shadows, trying to get to the pack house while dripping wet and naked.”

Kassy gives a laughing sob, surprised by the sudden intrusion of memories before she grimaces and groans as another contraction hits.

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