Chapter 36 Darius/Hulk

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Never in my life did I think I would have such a strong and able mate. She's right though, as Alpha's, we seek our mate to produce an heir and keep us and our packs happy. Some Luna's step forward into the politics side, but a lot are seen and not heard at meetings.

Eve has made it clear she will be so much more. Watching her handle Grant's opinionated warrior without hesitation, showed me how she won't back down from her beliefs, won't be bullied, and will face challenges head-on, despite what she's been through.

All three of us were ready to destroy that poor excuse of a warrior when he laid his hand on her, ready to leap to her defense. But she had his head smashed into the table and submitted to her before we could even stand from our chairs.

The idea of an army of Eve's intrigues the hell out of me. They could do some serious damage. A few packs allow women to join the ranks but they stay in the lower ranks, only committing till they find their mate. They tend to drop out then, to have the babies they are expected to continue their mate's line.

'm embarrassed to say, my pack doesn't have women in the ranks. No doubt something Eve will chew me out for once she discovers it. I'll need to talk to her once we are on the road again tomorrow.

I stand and carry my chair over to the far side of Garret. Reece plops down on Eve's now-vacated seat and we both place a hand on one of her legs each while glaring at the man who dared touch what is ours. The seasoned warrior is squirming uncomfortably in his seat, now that he realizes there are three of us wanting his head.

I see wolves looking at the four of us confused. Grant clears his throat.

"My apologies everyone, my manners are lacking, let me introduce you all to our guests. Prince Garret of the Crimson Bells dragon clan. Alpha Darius of the Clearwater Lake pack. Head warrior's second, Reece from Lightning Ridge pack, and their mate Eve, Head warrior of Lightning Ridge. Daughter of their late Alpha. I guess now also Luna and .... princess? Did I miss any titles?" Eve shrugs.

"Lord knows. I'm sure that's more than enough," she mutters, crossing her arms. Ignoring the gasps and excited chatter from the pack.

"Three mates Eve, you lucky girl!" Luna Monique gushed. "I've never heard of three mates!"

"The powers that be must have known two of us weren't going to be enough to handle her." Reece snorts, as Eve gives a cute little yawn and blinks innocently at him. I nudge her arm.

"Kitten, finish your dinner so we can get you off to bed, you're starting to get tired and we have another long drive tomorrow," I tell her. She frowns but accepts the bowl from Reece when he hands it to her. She eats half before declaring herself full. I sigh, she's still not eating anywhere near what she should be.

She asks who cooked the stew and seeing a few hands shoot up, thanks them for the beautiful meal and asks if she can trouble them for the recipe before she goes in the morning. The ladies, on cloud nine, preen under her praise and agree to have a copy of it for her before she goes. That's our girl, polite and regal, winning fans wherever she goes.

I get to my feet and indicate to Grant that we are ready to be shown a room for the night. Garret stands with Eve still in his arms. She wiggles a bit.

"Garret, I can walk you know!"

"I know." He nods, not putting her down. She looks at me frustrated.

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