Chapter 50 Eve

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This is not the dragon castle.

The portal closed behind me as soon I came through. My mates are nowhere in sight. My surroundings are foreign.

Light pours in from a hole above me, illuminating the plants surrounding me and the golden birds that sing from higher branches. It could have been deemed beautiful, if not for the hanging vines that move of their own accord toward me.

I remove two knives from my thigh holster, holding one firmly in each hand. One vine moves suddenly, hurtling towards me. I stab with one hand and slash with the other. It withdraws just as quickly, its tentacles left to writhe on the ground.

I watch as the vines raise themselves up, their ends moving like a dancing snake. I feel as though they are sizing me up, looking for weaknesses, even though I can see no eyes.

One on the left shoots toward me and movement on the right alerts me of another. I duck and roll away, as they retreat again in silent contemplation. I have never seen plants move, let alone think. I wish I knew where the hell I was.

The vines seem to have come to a decision and lunge for me together. There is no way to avoid so many, so I slash at those I can until the vines overwhelm me and hold me still. Raising me into the air. The position of my arms raised above my head brings back very unpleasant memories. I growl in frustration and fear, feeling their cool skin sliding over my own.

call forth my wolf. The sudden change in my size and shape loosens a few vines. I tear at the vines with my teeth, until a vine wraps around my muzzle. I huff in anger as I change back.

Smaller vines lower down and cover my breasts and lower regions. Growing and weaving as they move, before flowers suddenly come forward, completing the covering.

"What, you want me to be modest before you kill me? Stupid plants." I grumble. Another vine begins to wriggle through my hair in response.

"So, you are the little girl who thought she could bark orders at royalty." A musical voice rings out.

Hang on, I know that voice.

"Tinker bell? Is that you?" The vines ahead of me part and a tall elegant man steps out and looks up with a scowl, at where I am suspended by the dominating vines. The vines begin to lower me down and retreat as my feet touch solid ground. The Fae's scowl is replaced with a look I can't decipher.

"You need to follow me. Now." He orders, creating a portal. I cross my arms.

"I'd rather not."

He groans. Shoving his long, blood-red hair back from his forehead.

"Please, this was not expected, we must show the others."

I huff but follow him. I'd rather take him on, than the creepy vines.

The portal opens into a throne room, where a green-haired man and a purple-haired woman sit on gold majestic thrones. Five other thrones sit empty.

"I have retrieved our little rebel but unfortunately Faery has recognized her and we need to find her match." Tinker bell says as he strides to an empty throne and sits. I am so confused right now. All three pairs of eyes stare at me intently. They are all so ethereally beautiful.

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