Chapter 29 Darius/Hulk

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Do you see this? I crow through the link to Reece, who grins and shoots me the thumbs up.

I cannot believe she has initiated touch and then allowed me to carry her. I am on top of the world! And then the icing on the cake is her trusting me to keep her safe while she sleeps in my arms.

At the faster pace we were now going the house is coming up fast and I find myself slowing down. I'm reluctant to end this brief experience of carrying her. Garret smirks at me knowingly.

"You can just sit when we get in and keep holding her. No one's going to snatch her from you." He reassures me. My shoulders relax and I speed back up.

We are soon at the door of a large two-story log house. Garret shoves the door open and motions us in, before leading us to the open-plan lounge and kitchen with breakfast bar. He points to the plush grey couches and walks into the kitchen to get down mugs and flick the kettle on. He raises an eyebrow and shakes the coffee can at us, then busies himself getting it ready, as we nod our confirmation that we're all keen for coffee.

I stare at the beautiful creature sleeping peacefully in my arms, while I wait for my coffee to come. Her fine features, plush lips, and long eyelashes are being committed to memory. I knew she was beautiful, but this was the first time I had ever been close enough and at peace enough to truly take her in.

"She's exquisite, isn't she?" Reece says quietly. I nod in awe. Carefully tucking a stray tendril behind her ear. Garret walks in and silently places my coffee within reach on the coffee table. As he is placing Reece's in front of him, Reece leans forward.

"You may want to make him another." He whispers, pointing over to me. I raise my eyebrows and carefully grasp my cup, slowly bringing it to my lips. To my surprise, two hands reach up and craftily slide my hot cup out of my hands.

I glance down at my mate and see her taking a big whiff of the coffee scent before taking a sip. She sighs in contentment and gives me a peck on the cheek.

"You're my hero." She says in a sleepy voice, taking another sip and smiling. "I didn't think I was ever going to see coffee again." She rests her head on my chest happily.

"I've lost track of the number of times she's done that to me." Reece snorts. "She's a caffeine fiend from way back."

"What man in their right mind makes a coffee and doesn't get his girlfriend one!" She sasses back at him.

I cluck my tongue at him.

"Poor form Reece." I laugh and look down at Eve. "Consider it duly noted Kitten." She hums in approval and sips at her coffee, while Garret heads off to make me another.

ve makes no move to get off my lap and I'm in zero hurry for her to move. Enjoying the hum of the mate bond on my skin and her scent wrapping around my senses. Sleepy Eve is much nicer to deal with than awake Eve.

Finishing off her coffee, she readjusts herself in my lap. Jesus I'm going to need to readjust my pants if she wiggles again like that. Reece bites his lip, trying not to laugh at my sudden discomfort and I send him a quick glare.

Eve clears her throat, bringing our attention back to her.

"I would like to address the giant elephant in the room. You have all been skirting around it since you found me. I want to know about the state of my pack. I want to know if any plans have been made for them and where we, as mates, will be living. I would also like to know if there is any clue as to what they were planning down in those caves. I don't believe it was all about breaking me, there had to be more to it." She pauses, contemplating. "Can we start with the battle and work our way through, so I know what you know?" She looks me in the eye and then Reece. "All of it, my Dad my Mom, my pack, all of it."

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