Chapter 33 Reece

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Darius and I stand in front of Eve's door. It feels wrong not to be in the same room as her.

We can just go in and check on her he says through the link There was all that weird emotion from earlier and she is still recovering. It's perfectly normal that we should want to make sure she's ok.

Maybe sleep on her floor? I say with a smirk. Darius suppresses a laugh. I put my hand on the door handle but pause at the padding of feet heading our way. Garret joins us.

"So, are we going in or what?" He whispers. We nod and I turn the handle, slowly pushing the door open and hoping it doesn't squeak. The moon shines through the window, illuminating the room and the very empty bed.

My heart jumps into my throat and my breath catches. A deadly low growl comes from Garret behind me. Not good, not good!

"Eve?" I call out gently, but loud. "Baby where are you?" Silence meets my ears. Then Garret growls again.

Darius dives over and looks under the bed. I slam the light on so we can survey the room properly. Garret officially loses his shit. His eyes are now his dragons, his scales are surfacing up his arms and his neck.

He grabs the nearest chest of drawers and throws them across the room, before upending the bed and roaring.

"Where is shhhheeeee!"

The closet swings open and a very grumpy Eve stomps out and throws a shoe at him, smacking him hard in his back. He snarls in her direction, only to be clobbered with a second shoe to his forehead. He abruptly stops and scents the air.

Garret takes in her scowling face, crossed arms, and tapping foot. Oh boy, this Eve I know and I'd rather take my chances with Garret raging than this Eve. Garret's stepped into dangerous territory. He awoke the beast. Sleep-deprived Eve.

"Oh, there you are." He says sheepishly, eyes bleeding back to human and scales retreating.

"Is there a reason why you are remodeling the room I'm trying to sleep in at ..." She glances at the clock on the wall. "Two forty-seven a.m in the morning?" Her voice is very calm but the undercurrent holds the threat.

"I couldn't find you." He replies meekly. "I panicked."

"What if I'd gone down for a drink of water, or was using the bathroom?" She reasons.

"I would have heard your door open; you weren't in the room." Eve's trying desperately to rein in her temper. She's never been good at rude awakenings and she's definitely not a morning person.

It takes at least one coffee before she can handle talking and two before she's moving. Unless it's an emergency, then she's firing on all four cylinders ready to do her job.

"Ok, I'm sorry for giving you a fright. I'm here and I'm fine. Leave this..." She gestures to the destroyed room. "And we will deal with it tomorrow. Let's just go back to sleep."

We all nod and Garret starts heading for the door, mildly embarrassed.

"Baby, why were you sleeping in the closet?" I ask gently. It's Eve's turn to look embarrassed.

"It was the safest area to protect myself from and the room was too big and quiet. It just feels better there." She shrugs, feigning nonchalance.

"Why did the room not feel safe?"

She shrugs at me again.

"Reece, I'm tired. Can I just go back to sleep now? We can play twenty questions tomorrow." She says sighing.

Stubborn minx. I know what her problem is, I just want her to admit it. I nod and she disappears back into the closet.

I feel like I'm missing something. Darius muses. I pinch the bridge of my nose.

We have been with her since she got out, but now we aren't. She's afraid of being by herself. I explain. I see realization dawn on his face.

"I need to get myself your link, these private conversations you two have, keep me too out of the loop," Garret mumbles to himself. I hold my finger up, conveying my need for them to give me a minute.

I tap lightly on the closet door and pull the door open.

"Baby one last thing." I duck the pillow biffed at my head and chuckle at her groan of frustration. "The reason we came into the room in the first place is none of us could sleep without you in our space. Could we maybe join you?" She huffs in response. "Pleeeeassse." I draw out, trying to stop myself from smiling. She fights and kicks at the blankets she's burrowed in, like a toddler having a mini tantrum, before peering at me.

"Reece, I do not expect you guys to sleep on my floor, you won't fit in here with me, nor can you crash on the bed, pretty sure it's broken." She grumbles. " I really just want to go back to sleep."

"Garret's bed is giant size ." Darius offers.

"No offense, but I don't want to sleep in a bed with you guys and your wandering hands. I just want to sleep. I'm good here. Go puppy pile together, sorry puppy and dragon pile."

"Your floor it is then," I say, plonking myself down. Two can play the stubborn game.

"Arghhh!!!" She says in frustration, jumping to her feet and shoving past me. She retrieves her pillow and stomps out the door with us hot on her heels. She marches down to Garret's room and flops in the middle of his bed. "Are you happy now? Can I please get some damn sleep!' We quickly dive into the bed, pulling the blankets over us.

There are a few minutes of awkwardness, as we find comfortable positions and adapt to sleeping with new bodies in our beds. We are careful not to touch Eve, but I notice her yank another pillow over and bury her face in it, taking in Garret's scent and relaxing.

She must be exhausted Darius comments, as her breathing evens out.

She is, but it's more a case of being with us comforts her, even though she doesn't want it to, nor will she admit it. I explain. Darius chuckles into my back, before twining himself around me and starting to relax for sleep. Her scent puts us all at ease and we go under easily.

I rouse sometime later to reposition myself and realize I can't move. Eve is sprawled out with her top half on my chest, head tucked into the crook of my neck, and my arms around her waist. Garret's legs are tangled with hers, his arm protectively on her back, Darius tucked into my other side, nose buried in her hair, hand on her ass.

This is how it should be, all of us intertwined, together.

Even if Eve's mind doesn't want to admit it, her unconscious body has no trouble showing how it craves our nearness.

I'm so glad she's asleep right now, so we can enjoy this and strengthen our bonds through touch. The stronger the bond, the harder it will be for her to push us away.

Finally sharing a bed!
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