Chapter 34 Eve

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I awake to a featherlight touch on my hair and Reece whispers in my ear that it's time to wake up. I scrunch my nose up and groan. I'm so comfortable, I could sleep for days right now.

I was surprised at how quickly I fell asleep after climbing into Garret's bed. His scent engulfed me and was soon joined by the smell of my other two mates. I hadn't stirred once. I don't even think I dreamed.

The smell of coffee perfumes the air and I hum in approval. Maybe there is hope for my mates after all. I crack my eyes open to see a chest. I am draped on Reece's chest, my legs stuck in a tangle of his. This is how I used to wake up when Reece would sneak in through the window and stay. I wait for the panic to hit, but it doesn't, finding the familiarity comforting.

I cautiously roll off him and stretch, before pushing myself into a sitting position and scrubbing the sleep from my eyes. Darius approaches me and places a steaming cup of coffee in my hands. I smile gratefully and sip away at the elixir of life and potion of tolerable moods.

Fifteen minutes later Garret comes into the room with a plate piled high with bacon, sausages, eggs, and toast. As well as a second cup of coffee. They sure know how to start my day right.

Sipping on my second cup and munching on a strip of bacon, I motion to the guys.

"So, what are our plans for today?"

"Home, if you want to kitten? Or we can stay longer if you prefer?" Darius answers.

"Home sounds great! What about you, your majesty? Do you want to come too, or do you need to clear things with big brother before leaving the kingdom?"

"I've already informed my brother that I go when you do," Garret replies.

"And he's just ok with his brother, the prince and prized warrior, just going AWOL?" I ask to clarify.

"He doesn't have a choice. I extended the courtesy of informing him." I blink, surprised the King was just letting him go. "Now eat up, then we can pack up and go." Garret says with a smile.

I nod and continue on with breakfast, occasionally tapping Reece's fingers away as he tries to sneak my food. I scowl at him when he finally succeeds in stealing a bacon strip, diving off the bed to escape my wrath, while he stuffs it in his mouth, Garret chuckles at us as he packs bags.

Darius offloads our three bags in the hallway and walks in to sit on the bed. He cautiously reaches forward and takes my hands in his. Gently tightening them once I accept his touch and don't try to withdraw.

"Kitten, I need you to promise me - if you're not ok with anything, if you're uncomfortable and need a time out, you talk to one of us. There are a lot of people eager to see you, a lot of people wanting answers, people who are scared, and a lot of new graves. The pack house is gone, the rubble taken away. It's going to be different from how you remember it. Can you just promise to talk to one of us if you need something?" His eyes are showing his worry. Maybe he thinks the visit to my pack will break me. I nod in agreement though.

Getting up, I head towards my bag and grab out clean underwear, cargo pants, combat boots, sports bra, crop top, and Reece you beauty! My favorite bomber jacket. I thought I had lost it. No hairbrush though. Garret has plenty of hair though and is quick to give me permission to use his in the bathroom and directs me to a stash of hair ties.

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