Chapter 41 Garret

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Holy shit balls! My Angel is a beast! She and Reece started off with hand-to-hand combat and even though Reece has the muscle to wipe the floor with her, she keeps her footing, taking each hit like a pro. Reece is good at blocking her moves and taking the hits she lands but she is super-fast, landing more than he does.

Neither holds back, both bleeding and bruised. I'm surprised. I would have thought Reece would at least hold back. But Darius tells me they have trained together from the very start and she would be pissed if he started playing nice now because they are mates.

I wince as Reece takes a solid fist to his face, his nose crunching. Reece shakes it off, getting back in position, he quickly shoves his nose back into place and wipes the blood away.

"You warmed up now sweetie pie?" She asks him innocently.

"Alright, you little demon. Let's get serious then, since your done playing." He grins at her. The Lycan King leans over to me.

"She's joking right?" I shake my head and laugh.

"Charles, on your marks." She calls out to the Beta. Then she gets this feral grin on her face as she refocuses on Reece.

"Ready up!" Charles calls and they take their stances. "Fight!" I have never seen two people move so quickly. Neither gives an inch and they are brutal and without mercy. I thought they were fast before, but that was nothing.

ucking, blocking, spinning, jumping. Then all of a sudden Eve's legs come into play, she scissor-kicks his face, before dropping and punching his knee out. She gives him a swift kick to the temple before she spins behind him, leaps, and wraps her legs around his neck, throwing herself backward and taking him with her. She unlatches at the last second and springs free so he doesn't crush her. She's already back in her stance, as he's hitting the ground. My mate is badass and so fucking hot!

"Well played!" Reece rasps, as he pops his knee back and jumps up.

"Weapons!" Charles calls. Both turn to catch the weapons being thrown to them. Dual curved swords. Then they throw themselves at each other. The metal clashes as they spin and weave, kicking and stabbing. It's like a fluid dance. Reece gets a slice to her upper arm and grins at her.

"Torso right lower." She grins back. He glances down and sees the blood seeping from the wound she's inflicted. He growls at her and they continue to beat the crap out of each other. The training grounds are filling up as more come out to watch the fight. The Lycan beside me tenses each time Reece lands a hit.

She kicks his hand, sending one of his swords flying while punching his ribs with one of her own sword handles. Then both her weapons go around his neck positioned to lop off his head. He freezes instantly, dropping his other sword, and yields to her.

he grins and laughs. Dropping her own weapons before launching herself at him, wrapping her luscious legs around his waist and arms around his neck. Their eyes sparkle with happiness, chests heaving. She waves at me and blows Darius a kiss.

We are gonna get cleaned up, see you at dinner she links as Reece carries her off the training grounds to the gym showers. I look over at the Lycan, who is watching Eve's departure, and clap my hand on his shoulder.

"Guess we should go get a drink and get to know each other." I offer. He nods, swallowing hard.


"Amazing, fucking gorgeous, and ours? Yeah, she is." I grin, leading him over to the mess hall. He quickly glances back at her, but they are already inside the building, so he follows after me.

arius is waiting by the door for us both. We head in making a beeline for the bar and ordering ourselves a round of beers, before claiming a booth.

"Ground rules," Darius says. "That girl has been through hell and back. Do not try to mark her or fuck her. She will tell us when she's ready. You will need patience. Second, her needs come first. Always. Third, welcome onboard the crazy train." He extends his hand to shake the Kings.

"Devlin." The King says, extending his own hand.

"Rule number four," I butt in "You hurt her, I destroy you. Slowly and painfully." I extend my own hand.

"Sounds fair." He laughs, accepting my handshake.

"Have you seen the reports around the Lightening Ridge attack?" Darius asks. Devlin shakes his head scowling.

"The council must not have deemed it important enough to bring it to my attention. Something I shall bring to theirs shortly."

"I'll have a copy made up for you, as well as the report on the rescue and the medical teams, report. I'll pull Eve's history for you too, so you can get to know and understand her a bit too." Darius offers.

"I'd appreciate it." Devlin agrees.

"What's not in the files is her night terrors and her PTSD. She has physical scarring, as you no doubt saw." Devlin looks at Darius blankly.

"Um no actually, I was too busy ogling her and thanking my lucky stars I'd found her." He admits. I chuckle because that's what she does to us too. She's so perfect, it's hard to notice any imperfections. She's reduced the mighty King to a perverted teen.

"How long have you been waiting for her?" I ask, thinking of the longevity of the Lycan lifespan.

"Seven hundred plus." He admits. I nearly choke on my drink. Thank God Lycans don't need a mate to anchor their beast side or Devlin would be nothing but dust on the wind.

"What made you wait so long? Anyone else would have taken a chosen mate well before now." I say in amazement.

"Couldn't bring myself to do it. Part of me knew she would be worth the wait, but over time I began to think I just didn't have one, or she had died before I could meet her. But now, seeing her in the flesh, I go back to my prior assumption. She's worth the wait."

"That she is!" I clink my bottle to his and drink.

Darius repositions himself in his seat, catching my eye and sucking in air, before rearranging himself again and flushing. He grips the table edge tightly and I watch it splinter.

"You alright?" I ask, concerned at his suddenly flustered state. His eyes meet mine, his beast peeking through as he struggles for control.

Bloody hell, I think she's breaking her fast he clenches out through the new link, I can feel their lust.

"Excuse me for a bit, there's something I need to take care of." He tells Devlin, swiftly leaving the table and heading out the door.

Go have a cold shower or self-care. Don't go to them. They need this I caution him. He gives a curt nod at the door before shoving it open and hurrying away. I chuckle. The poor bastard will be getting hit both ways, with both Eve and Reece sporting his mark.

Devlin looks at me curiously.

"Alpha shit to deal with." I shrug.

"He must really love his work if that tent he was pitching was anything to go by." Devlin chuckles.

Oof! Whats Eve up to? Thats time ;)
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