Chapter 4 Eve

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I plunge onto the dance floor, zig-zagging through the moving bodies to evade him.

My mate.

My breath comes in quick gasps and for the first time, I experience true fear. My flight mode is fully in gear. I never run. I am never afraid. But in one glance, this man has threatened my world in a way it has never been threatened before. My soul protests, wanting me to turn and claim my mate, while my heart screams in panic at the thought of losing the man who holds the key to it, Reece.

This is a train wreck waiting to happen. You don’t thrash around sharks. You don’t bleed around piranhas and you certainly don’t run from bloody wolves.

I know running is futile. He is an Alpha, one of the most possessive, dominating, overbearing, jerkoffs of the werewolf hierarchy. But at that moment my warrior training and any common sense fly out the window.

He is going to take me away from my home. From Reece. Over my dead body!

I open my pack link and send directly to Reece. Reece! We have to move, he’s here!

Who! He sends back, instantly alert.

My fucking mate! We have to leave now, he’s chasing me!

Where are you baby, he replies, focused and instantly alert.

Dance floor, your side, almost out I gasp shoving the last few couples out of the way.

I am able to spot Reece jumping out of his chair and racing toward me. Shoving people out of his way in his desperation to get to me.

Pulling myself free from the writhing mass, I race towards him. But instantly freeze in my tracks at the loud angry alpha growl that cuts through the music behind me.

I turn and watch him untangle himself from the dancers and swallow hard. He stalks toward me, angry, and frustrated, but still cautious, trying not to spook me. Pausing occasionally, to gauge my flight risk.

I back step hesitantly. He shakes his head in warning. I bare my teeth and backstep again. His hands come up, palms out in an attempt to placate me, but also ready to grab at me if I run again. I pull one of my throwing knives from my thigh belt and ready myself for his attack.

He cocks his head and raises an eyebrow, daring me to try it.

So, I do. I mean, who am I to turn down such a generous invitation? With a quick flick of my fingers, my knife is airborne.

He swiftly sidesteps to the left, making it just a glancing blow. If he hadn’t had his Alpha reflexes, he would have been dead.

“That was a kill shot,” he states, surprising me with the admiration in his voice.

“Yup,” I say popping the p.

“You missed.” He smirks.

I cock my head to the side. “Did I?”

He reaches his hand up to his temple and feels the sticky blood coat his fingers and narrows his eyes at me.

“Oh, you're good.” He says grinning.

I continue to edge toward Reece. My mate's warning growl letting me know I am on track. Soon Reece’s scent hits my nose, his warmth at my back and a steadying hand on my waist before he swiftly moves me behind him. Both the men growl in challenge to each other. Before they suddenly stop to assess the other, contemplating their next move.

I realize the size difference and I am really regretting bringing Hulk in Reece’s direction. Not that Reece will go down easily, but the reality is, he can't win against an Alpha, especially one built the size this one was. But I can.

I can feel them sizing each other up and I tense ready to tag team with Reece, but nothing happens. Shouldn’t they be ripping each other's spines out?

Dad wanders over, shaking his head at me laughing.

“Really Eve? You thought running would solve your problem? From an Alpha? From your mate?”

“Seemed a good idea at the time.” I shrug.

“On what planet?” He guffaws. I give him the finger. “He saw you fair and square this time Eve, there wasn’t a rock he wouldn’t have looked under if you had got away, he would have continued to hunt you to the ends of the earth.”

“I still had to try Dad. I don’t want a fated mate. I just want Reece. I love him. I won’t apologize for that. Nor will I lose him by accepting this Alpha as my mate. I will rejec-.”

Dad’s hand swiftly covers my mouth cutting me off, as Hulk's growl starts again in warning.

“No one rejects a fated mate Eve, it’s just not done.” Dad cautions me.

“I wouldn’t accept it anyway, you are mine!” Hulk growls.

Dad turns his attention to Reece and the Alpha.

“I think we should take this to my office. Eve? Gentlemen? We have much to discuss, don’t you think?”

I scowl at my father. Reece nods thoughtfully and wraps an arm around my waist, tugging me after my retreating father. Hulk quietly walks behind us.

Both are calm, completely at odds with how a possessive Alpha mate and a deeply in love chosen mate should be behaving.

Something was off and I didn’t like it at all.

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