Chapter 23 Garret

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I turn to my brother.

“She needs a blanket and a doctor,” I say calmly. His jaw drops before he gathers himself and nods, gesturing me back the way I came.
“Reece, disconnect the I.V lines, I don’t want any more of that crap in her.” He nods and does so.
My brother is giving orders for the wolves to bring body bags for the remains he can see in the opposite cells.

I pay them no attention, my focus solely on the woman in my arms. Once she is free of the I. V’s, I walk swiftly, careful not to jostle her cold broken body. My skin sends warm reassuring currents through my body where it touches hers. I snatch the blanket from the descending wolf on the stairs and cover her.

She’s real. She’s mine.

She stirs when the sun kisses her skin as we exit the cave and the gentle breeze carries the songs of birds. My chest rumbles, calling to her to calm down and she goes back under. I lightly run up the hill and over to where our convoy of vehicles waits and head to the medical truck. The ramp is already down and the team waiting.

They step forward quickly and reach for her. Instinct kicks in and I turn sideways protecting her from them, a threatening growl pulling from my lips. They freeze instantly.

"Garrett, my team can’t help her if we can’t get near her.” The doctor reasons with me.
I know this. I can’t help the way every fiber of my being screams to me to protect her. I suck in a deep breath and let it out slowly, then nestle my nose into her neck. She is here and she is real I remind myself.
I feel calmness sweeping through my body. I look up at the doctor, he’s looking at her worriedly, time is of the essence and I'm wasting it.

I snarl at the hand that touches my shoulder from behind, before scenting Reece and surprisingly relaxing.

“Carry her in Garret. We can stay all with her. They can talk us through what they are doing, but they need to stabilize her.” He says. I nod, this sounds reasonable. I move up the ramp, the team giving me space as I move and lay her on the waiting bed. I move to the side keeping hold of her hand.

The doctor approaches cautiously.

"Garret, Reece, Darius. The team is going to hook her up to fluids and pain relief. Then we will take her vitals, look and treat anything obvious. Once we are back at the castle we will do x-rays, set any bones, and clean her.”

“Harry will be here soon, he's excellent at lock picking.“ Darius informs me, motioning to her shackles.

“We can’t take the silver shackles off yet, some of the breaks are old and may need to be rebroken for her wolf side to heal correctly.” The doctor says apologetically. "We can't risk things healing wrong." Each of the medical team swings into action, explaining what they are doing. Bags of fluid are hooked up, blood is taken, machines showing her oxygen and heart rate are attached to her, and shortly afterward a nasal cannula is added to increase her oxygen levels.

The Docs heartbeat is through the roof when he begins his physical examination. Even though I have nodded he can touch her, I can't stop the low warning growl trickling from my throat.

“X-rays and MRI will definitely be needed, she’s in rough shape,” He says stepping back. I roll my eyes. Fucking captain obvious. He packs sterile bandages around the bone jutting out of her leg to stabilize it for the trip home before a heated blanket is placed over her and she's strapped onto the gurney for transport.

I can hear my brother giving orders for a squad to remain and search for anything of interest to explain what they were planning in the caves and find out what their endgame is. The ramp is raised and the truck rattles to life, before lurching into gear.

The three of us stare at our common interest, as we sway to the motion of the road before slowly, I look up and see the two wolves meeting my gaze. Reece clears his throat.

“So... I guess we should extend a big welcome to the family.” He says with a wry grin. My heart leaps in my chest.

“You accept me?” I ask in wonder.

“Buddy, she won’t even accept me," Darius says with a laugh. “We have our work cut out for us. Safety in numbers.” His face becomes somber as he looks at her. “She's going to need us, all of us, especially now.”

I look at the marks on their necks in confusion. If she hasn’t accepted him, how are they both marked? Did they move on when she was gone and take chosen mates? Reece notices where I’m looking and laughs awkwardly.

“Yeah, that was my idea. We marked each other. Easier to communicate and keep tabs on each other through all this. We were able to support each other better. The only downside is we can't fall asleep without the other now, so we are bunkmates." He explains.

“Only sleeping. Still straight males.” Darius quickly puts in.

I smirk and nod to soothe his worried ego.

Wonder how long that ‘straightness’ will last.
Eve's monitor starts going haywire. Its alarm becomes deafening. The med team unclips their seat belts and hits the emergency stop, rushing to her.
This time I step back and let them work without any growls. This is bad.
They intubate her and start helping her breathe. I listen to her heart beating sluggishly and hesitantly. Sucking in a panicked breath when it stops.
They hit her with the defibrillator again and again. But the resounding tone of the flat line echoes in the truck.
The doctor looks at me and shakes his head. Darius falls to his knees clutching his chest and Reece staggers to keep his footing, gaping in disbelief.
I roar and snatch the paddles from the doctor, hitting her again. Then again.
"Don't you dare!" I roar at her. Continuing to shock her heart. "I did not drag you from hell to lose you now!"
The team grabs at my arms. I elbow them away, shocking her one last time before they shove a needle in my neck. My eyes lose focus and my knees go out.
"I'm so sorry your highness. She's gone." The doctor whispers to me.
I smile.
"Can't you hear it?" I ask him.
"Doctor we have a pulse." A nurse calls out.
I listen to the beeps of her heart monitor as I black out.
The most beautiful fucking sound I ever heard.

Garret seems a bit more grounded now.
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