Chapter 10 Eve

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Ice-cold water brings me to my senses with a gasp. My eyes fly open and my chest heaves.

"Rise and shine bitch!" The whip wielder from yesterday laughs. So, this is the seal barker. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Can I help you dipshit?" I growl, glaring at him.

"I can see your wolf in your eyes, must be medicine time." He grumbles, watching me warily.

e fumbles with his shirt pocket and brings out a syringe, pulling the cap off with his teeth and spitting it off to the side. He lunges forward fast, grabbing a handful of hair and jerking my head to the side.

My sore body responds to my demands and leaps up swiftly kicking out his legs. I loop one of my chains around his neck and pull tight. He gasps, pulling at the chain even as both his neck and fingers sizzle against the silver.

"Fuck yeah! Get him, Eve!" My brother cheers from the cell opposite. I bare my teeth in a feral grin and pull harder, hoping to either burn my way through his neck or choke him to death. The latter was looking closer as his legs begin to spasm in their death throes.

I feel him go limp. At the same time, I hear footsteps rushing toward our cells. I quickly pull my chain free and using both hands break my victim's neck, before twisting it off and throwing it at the vampire who enters my cell. He bats it aside and surveys the scene.

"Well that's unfortunate, you killed Marcus's Beta, he's going to be pissed." He says at last. I grin at him.

"Tough shit, I'll send him a letter of condolence."

The vampire shrugs.

Didn't like him much anyway." He grabs the beheaded man's foot and drags him out of the cell, pausing to scoop up the head by its hair, before heading back the way he has come.

"Eve..." My brother begins. My eyes flash at him. I am not discussing last night with him.

"Can you use the pack link?" I interrupt instead. He shakes his head. "Reach your wolf?" He shook his head again. "Well fuck!" I groan.

"It's the damn injections they keep giving us, God knows what's in that shit. Kills the links, puts the wolf to sleep, slows us down, makes everything a bit fuzzy." Caleb grumbles.

Before long the vamp is back, looking over my blood-covered form and scenting the newer blood on myself and the floor. He licks his lips and readjusts his crotch. I curl my lip at him in disgust as he takes a step towards me. We lose eye contact the moment we hear another set of footsteps coming toward us.

"I hear you've been a naughty girl Eve," Marcus says as he comes into view.

"Traitor!" I hiss, lunging, only to be pulled up short by the chains. I growl in frustration. But he stumbles backward in surprise, I gratefully accept the consolation prize. Marcus is scared of me.

"I see we are feisty this morning." He mumbles. I glare at him, letting him see his death in my eyes. I let him know, when I get out of this shit hole, I will kill him as painfully as possible without any mercy.

"All I see is a dead man walking." I sneer at him.

"Now Eve, there's no need to be like that. We're doing this for a good cause. If you could only see the upheaval in our lands you would understand."

Marcus begins talking about the growing divide between the species. The dragons are the head powerhouse, but they shouldn't be. How this war that has been started, will lead to a brand-new world. Yadaa, yadaa, yawn. Someone just shoot me and ball gag this egotistical prick with a God complex.

roll my eyes at his ramblings. But sit up straighter as a mind link stirs.


It stirs but I can't hear through it. Pack links don't do so well over long distances and they become just a thread to see if someone is still alive. The foreign link I felt a day or two ago stirs to life after a few moments.

Kitten? Can you hear me? I flinch. Who the hell is that? Kitten, I can feel you, let me see through your eyes!

I immediately bring the link forward. I don't care who it is, as long as they get us out of this. I look at my captor's faces and look at my brother, so they know he is alive. I look around the cell, the hall leading God knows where and the chains above me, holding me in place.

I don't know where I am and they keep drugging us. We can't heal, we aren't strong or fast enough to get out. I've killed one, but I haven't seen any more bar those two I showed you, but there's definitely more. Is the pack alive? I ask.

Those in the bunker made it, a few survivors from the battle but the rest are gone. The voice replies. My sadness for my pack floods the link for a moment. Reece made it. the voice soothes.

Who are you? I finally ask

It's your mate, Darius. How badly hurt are you kitten? The voice replies. But that's impossible, we had no pack link between us, nor had we marked each other.

How... I immediately break off as my jaw is harshly grabbed. The vampire snarls at me.

"She's linking!" I kick out at him, but expecting it, he blocks it just as fast with his free hand. I wrench my face free of his grip and then immediately lurch forward and head-butt him.

"Fuck." He swears, staggering back. He rights himself and throws a fast, hard punch to my temple. Pain blooms and feeds down the link, as my head spins. I shake it off as Hulk screeches down the link at me, picking up on the pain flare. I feel the prick to my neck just as my world was tilting back up the right way.

They just re-dosed me, links gonna shut down soon I slur through the link. I can hear Hulk's muffled curses before the link goes limp.

"Now, Eve." Marcus begins, stepping forward confidently now that the drug is taking effect. "I have tried very hard to be hospitable. But misbehavior does have its consequences."

He pulls out a small pocket knife and reaches up to the material at my wrist. Slipping the knife under it, he makes a cut upwards then yanks at the looser material, tearing it the rest of the way and free of my wrist.

The burn is immediate. Moving to the other side, he repeats his movements and soon my other wrist fires its nerve endings in agony. He looks at my face expectantly, but I give him a blank face. He frowns at my lack of response. Turning on his heel, he marches out of the cell.

The humming signals the raising of the chains and I soon find myself dangling two feet above the ground. The wounds on my back reopened with the new position. Marcus claps his hands together gleefully.

"Now it's consequence time!" He chortles. He turns to the vamp. "Let's bring in our guest, shall we?" The vampire returns the grin and stalks out of the cell. Marcus leans into me. "I love a good family reunion." He says as the screams start.

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