Chapter 51 Eve

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Lysario pushes me out of harm's way as the dragon's tail whips towards us, oblivious as it tears the throne room to shreds. The tip catches him and sends him flying into the wall.

This is my first-time seeing Garret in his dragon form and he is gorgeous! He is black with a red belly and red wing membranes. He is also fucking massive.
I duck, as the tail swishes past again, before leaping and running up his back to plonk myself at his neck.
"Nice job handsome, you haven't saved me much though," I say as I admire the damage. He stops at the sound of my voice and immediately begins his purring noise. His giant head pivots to me, amber eyes glowing as he leans in to gently nuzzle and scent me.
Gentle for a dragon that is. I have to grab a nose horn so I don't ass off his back. His form shrinks down until he's just Garret again and I jump off his back. A very hot and naked Garret. He clucks his tongue at me as I perve at him before he laughs.
"We have a job to do and you are late, we can fuck later." He says with his usual rip-shit-and-bust attitude. "Where were you?" I motion to Lysario getting to his feet.
"Got abducted by the light Fae. Got crowned their Queen, and found another mate. You know, the usual shit." I shrug, going to him and hugging him. He rests his head on top of mine and glares at the Fae.

"You abducted my mate," he growls lowly.

"Actually no, that was my brother Irinda. I was in the war room, readying our troops to head to your training grounds. I had no idea until Cassius dragged me to the throne room."
"So you are a warrior?" Garret asks. Lysario nods. "And did any of your kin hurt her?" Lysario shakes his head.
"Not that I am aware of."
"Measure each other's dicks later, where's the King at?" I ask impatiently. Garret frowns at me.

"I wasn't measuring dicks."

"You were gearing up for it," I reply.

"The King has taken his whore to the safe room. It's impenetrable to even dragons." He huffs angrily.

"Well, he called me to help him, so he must want to see me. Show me where he's at and behave. I'll see what I can do." I offer.
He takes my hand and leads me out of the destroyed room and Lysario trails behind us. There is a lot of rubble and destruction. He's clearly started from the King's safe room, all the way to the throne room in his rampage. He leads us through the path of destruction. I stop occasionally to admire his decorating skills before we continue through the maze of hallways.

"I love what you've done with the place," I gush, taking in the giant hole in the wall. "Very modern and open plan." Lysario chuckles as Garrett rolls his eyes at me.
We descend some stairs and come to a door made of Graphene. I motion Garret back.
"Oi! King dumbass. I'm here as requested. Now what?" The door pops open and the disheveled King comes into view. I shove him back in and motion for Lysario to follow us in. Inside, I discover more like the inside of a full-blown house than a room. I sit on a plush couch opposite a sniveling, crying woman. She sits with crumpled-up tissues beside her. Her mascara is smeared over her face and her hair is disheveled. "And you must be our little turncoat, Adele," I say, glaring angrily at her.
This woman has a lot to answer for. Interrupting my sleep and hangover. Having to use a portal, which got me abducted. As well as all the shit she's been feeding the enemy.
Adele looks up at me and gasps. I touch my face. Have I got vine juice on me?
"Your dragon side is awake." The King says, sitting next to Adele. Your eyes are showing. I glance at Garret, who shrugs and grins.

"We are talking later," I grumble at him.

"And you are wearing the light Fae crown?" The King continues, perplexed.
"Blame the vines and royal Fae. I'm up to mate number six, would you believe." I sigh and sit back on the couch. "Enough about me, explain this clusterfuck. She's with the enemy, but you're protecting her regardless." I eye up Adele. "You must give great head or have a magic pussy for him to protect you like this," Adele growls at me. I growl back louder.
"Adele is my true mate." The king intercedes. Garret's eyes shoot up to his hairline.

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