Chapter 3 Darius aka 'Hulk'

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At thirty-one years of age, my inner clock is ticking. Eleven years of not finding my mate out there.

ast year I could have thrown the towel in and chosen a fellow unclaimed as my mate. But I wasn't ready to give up on my other half yet, much to the disappointment of the mature women in our pack. I knew who my mate was...or at least suspected.

Which is how I find myself at the bar, at the latest unmated gathering, after scenting the air and realizing once again she isn't here.

few times over the more recent years, I would catch the faint intoxicating scent of her, but no matter how hard I tried to find her, I could never track her.
She had to be from this pack, or one of the other allies, as I only ever scented her here at Lightning Ridge. This year I have come more prepared, with a strong suspicion about who the elusive girl is.

Last year Alpha Ruben's daughter, (also his head warrior) had arrived late, her second in command had sprayed her with cologne when she arrived, and then she had tipped her perfume on him in retaliation. Then giving zero fucks, they danced and drank the night away, while everyone gave them a wide berth.

had laughed at their antics and admired her from the bar, not willing to jeopardize my sense of smell with the fumes coming from the pair.

She was a stunning girl, with a quick wit and a love for fun. Not to mention that body of hers. It was dripping pure sin, leaving me adjusting my pants all night.

I presumed the man she danced with (her second) to be something more... as they teased and ground against each other as the night progressed. At ease in each other's company, laughing and whispering in each other's ears. I would have given my left testicle to be where he was, or at the very least, on the other side of her, making her into a delectable sandwich.

That year there was not the slightest hint in the breeze of my mate's sense, just the overpowering smell of perfume and cologne from the two troublemakers on the dance floor.

et deep down a part of me was shouting that she was here. So, I instead drank and watched the Alpha's daughter like a dirty perve, admiring the way her body moved flawlessly to the music while wondering why I couldn't take my eyes off her.

It was rare she was in attendance at these parties, usually gone as fast as she arrived, if she arrived at all.

ord had it, she was uninterested in mates. Completely focused on training the pack warriors and herself. An oddity. Most female Weres only aspired to find their Mate. Working softer jobs, or staying home once they had pups. Some did join the disciplined warriors (depending on the pack) but few bothered to climb the ranks.

The Alpha's daughter's rank as the head warrior had caused rumbles in the council, thinking her father had favored her into the position. One demonstration later, the council never questioned it again. I believe one of the five warriors pitted against her, never quite lost his limp, despite our healing capabilities.

I could understand why they hadn't believed she had earned the role though. She was of average height, slim, lean muscles, and stunningly beautiful, with her tanned skin and Bambi eyes. She walked with grace. Hair and hips swaying gently.

Dad said when she had entered council chambers, they had expected a soft polite feminine voice, instead of the one that harshly accused them of 'Wasting her Goddamn time', and then told them all after the demonstration to 'Shove their sexist opinions up their asses' before stomping out again.

Dad said it had been quite a sight to behold and her fighting style, very unique and impressive. Her five opponents didn't stand a chance. The stuffy old council had been gobsmacked. The cute innocent kitten that had appeared before them, had been a saber tooth tiger in disguise.

As I had sipped my liquor, my mind turned while watching her. I began to realize her lack of attendance at these events, which very much coincided with the lack of my mate's scent. When her second wrapped his hand in her hair and angled her head up to look at him, I realized her neck was bare. She was still unclaimed.

My eyes widened as alarm bells went off in my head connecting the dots and my eyes narrowed on her second, as he smiled into her face. As if feeling my gaze, his eyes flicked up to mine. He read the intent in my gaze and whispered in her ear. She threw back her head and laughed, before letting him lead her further into the writhing, dancing mass of couples on the floor.

I plunged into the mass, trying to find her, but again she was gone. Her father claimed not to know where she was but agreed to my request to stay till she had returned, with curiosity.

Unfortunately, she had not returned when news of the attack on my pack came. Nor did I come back to find her, after I had buried my father. I focused and adjusted instead to my new role as Alpha. But at the back of my mind, I knew that come the new year, at the next unclaimed meet, she would be mine. I was sure she was my mate. It was the only thing that made sense.

What was confusing me was - if she was my mate, why had I not been angry at her second for touching her? Maybe she wasn't mine.

A year later, here I am once again sitting at the bar, the wind behind me, to blow my scent to my mate, but it has since died away unhelpfully. This time I do not have the pleasure of watching her dance. No sign of her Second either. No scent teasing me in the wind when I arrive. And then a few hours later, a quick glance to see who my Beta Logan has smiled at... there she is.

Just standing at the bar, with a smile. When her eyes slip past Logan to me, my breath catches and the 11-year wait is worth it.

But then, instead of a smile, or gravitating to me as I have seen other mates do in the past, she proceeds to guzzle liquor as if her life depends on it. When I decide to go to her instead, she first tries to stop me with hand gestures, then orders me to sit and stay like a common dog!! Then she takes off like a bullet into the dancing throng of couples. I'm also pretty sure she just called me 'Fido.'

"Guess the talk of her not wanting a mate was true," I grumble as I jump the bar to head off her escape. "That's ok kitten, I love a good chase."

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