Chapter 5 Eve

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We file into the large office, Reece, myself, and 'Hulk' sitting on the four-seater loveseat, in that order.

am quick to yank off my heels and attempt to quickly rub blood flow back into them. Reece pulls my legs around so I sit sideways and takes over the task of massaging my feet. I sigh with relief. Damned toe crushers. Who invented the stupid things?

Hulk's arm and shoulder, lightly touch my back, thanks to Reece shifting me, and tingles flood me where we touch nearly overwhelming my senses. I close my eyes for a moment while I wrestle my hormones under control. My eyelids flutter back open, and Reece's face is passive, focused on the task at hand. His face gives nothing away of his thoughts, as he continues to get my blood circulating to my toes.

Hulk sits, turned towards us, watching but saying nothing. My father sits behind his giant mahogany desk, observing us in contemplation.

"Interesting," Dad says with curiosity. He turns his focus to Reece. "How long?"

Reece looks at him puzzled.

"How long have you been in love with my daughter?" He clarifies. Reece's head swivels to me and he stares deep into my eyes.

"Always." He states.

Dad nodded and turned to me. "Eve?"

I shift under his gaze. "Since I was eighteen." Dad nods again, turning his gaze to Hulk.

"Darius, are you feeling alright?" Darius raises his brows in question and nods, unsure of the question's weight.

"Very interesting." Dad leans back in his chair contemplating. Seeing our puzzled looks, he clarifies. "Don't you find it odd Darius that you didn't attack Reece the moment he laid hands on her? Don't you find it odd that you are sitting there calmly beside him? Never mind the fact that they are declaring their love for each other. Normally a mate bond would have you being possessive, not allowing another male in close proximity. Hell, in normal circumstances Reece would be a pile of mincemeat on the dance floor by now. Yet you sit here without a single growl in his direction"

Darius's brows furrow in confusion as he looks at Reece carefully and then at me. "There is no urge to harm him." He says honestly.

My father gets up from his seat and paces. "And why is that do you think?"

"I am her mate!" He snarls. "Do not think my lack of possessiveness proves otherwise!"

"And there it is," my father said. "The possessive need to prove she's yours. Believe me, she is. Of that, I have no doubt. Mate bonds click into place hard and fast. They are designed to pull the souls together and allow love to flow freely, and quickly. But what do you think would happen if that connection was already made? Would the mate bond still feel the need to activate, if the souls had already joined?" He asks as he glances at us expectantly, waiting for us to solve his riddle.

Moving around to the front of his desk, he looks at me.

Eve, I think Reece is-" he cuts himself off as the mind link activates. Voices coming through hard and fast.

Breach! Silver River is attacking!

More at the south side border!

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