Chapter 49 Devlin

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Two of Darius's men escort Sebastion out discreetly and we shake Warrick's hand, thanking him. We head back down to the bar, crack open a beer each and keep watch on our girl dancing the night away with Reece. They stop occasionally to grab fresh drinks. I notice after a few hours, her eyes have a slight glaze and her feet have a slight wobble at the heel. I chuckle. She deserves to let loose and I am not going to stand in her way.

I have also noticed as time goes on, an increase in the number of female wolves and Lycans in the club. Darius seems to think it's funny as they come up in revealing clothing and make conversation. Each hoping to be recognized as my mate, or at least be taken for a quick fuck so they can brag. Normally my bodyguards would keep them at bay. But I didn't bring any tonight.

The latest trio, despite our obvious disinterest, are a bit more ballsy. Touching my arm when they speak, which I swiftly pull away. One even pretends to stumble into me and is swiftly pushed back. Eve chooses that moment to barrel through the gathering and flop on a barstool.

"Oh, Jaaaames." She calls out to the barman, who smirks and pours her a bourbon on the rocks without being told to and hands it to her. "I'm going to get your manager to give you a raise." she laughs. He rolls his eyes at her.

"I am the manager." He reminds her. She boops his nose.

"So no excuses then. " She grins.

uck she's cute. The brunette Lycan steps closer to me, taking my attention from Eve.

"So you prefer brunettes?" She purrs, leaning into me. I step back.

"No. I like that brunette." I correct. She scoffs at me.

"Honey there is nothing she can do, that I couldn't do better. I would ride you into the sunset, till you didn't know which way was up. I would fuck your brains out."

"Never going to happen," I growl at her, patience wearing out. "You seem to forget your place, approaching your King like you would a commoner." Eve's standing now, apparently not too drunk to hear me being propositioned, judging by the glare directed at the persistent Lycan.

"And I would bash your brains out if you so much as tried it," she says, smiling sweetly at the Lycan she has deemed competition. Darius makes a tutting noise.

"Kitten. Fun night remember, no more violence." She juts her bottom lip at him and ducks behind me.

"Party pooper." She grumbles.

Eve suddenly leaps onto my back and licks up the side of my neck.

"I licked it, so it's mine." She giggles tipsily. I grin at her as she sticks her tongue out at the Lycan. The Lycan splutters angrily.

"Yes, little one I'm yours." I agree, pecking her cheek.

"You are a lowly wolf, get your disgusting filthy paws off my King. He needs to have a Lycan at his side! You are nothing and have no claim!" She growls.

I growl back. Does this woman have a death wish, challenging my Queen? Reece appears and growls in unison with Darius. Eve growls back louder.

"HE'S MINE!" Eve roars and my knees suddenly buckle as her fangs bite deeply into my neck. The pleasure rushes through me as she claims me. Holy shit! I land heavily on my knees, Eve still riding my back.

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