Chapter 15 Eve

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So...I've just been hanging around.
I snigger to myself. That is funny. I give myself a mental pat on the back.

The weights have been added every day. I won't let the others take them, no matter how much my brother begs and threatens me. My five-minute break means nothing anymore. Even with the lowered chains, my arms are frozen upright.

Time doesn't hold much meaning anymore either. The break is the only thing to signal the passing of days. But I have lost count now. My body is weak, my wounds infected. My brain can't think straight. I don't even acknowledge 'fang boy' when he comes to play anymore.

Actually, I'm not even sure if he comes anymore. Nor do I feel the beatings of the other minions sent down to use me as a punching bag. My stomach no longer asks for food or water.

I'm in this weird limbo. My mind drifts, thinking of my forest. Trying to remember the smell of the rich earth and the songs the birds sing. It's safe in my mind, away from what's happening to my body. They can't hurt me here. I'm just existing, nothing more.

Then there are moments when I see a ghost of a man approach my cell, seeing me in all my humiliation of dried body fluids, bruises, and festering wounds, painting the canvas of my body.

His face is one of heartbreak as he takes in the sight of me. In my head, I beg him to save me, since my throat is too dry to speak anymore. He seems to hear me anyway.

He rushes towards me to help. But he never seems to be able to reach me. It's as though either he or I, are moved away by unseen forces. His desperation as he runs, his heart on his sleeve, tells me I matter to him. Though, why I'm hallucinating about a stranger instead of Reece or even Hulk is beyond me.

I feel my body slowly lowered to the floor. I don't know why they bother anymore; my answer is always the same. Marcus crouches down in front of me, his face has been one of pity his last few visits. He carefully pushes my matted hair out of my eyes.

"Eve, give it to another today, you can't take much more." He whispers. My, how the tables have turned. Gone is the jeering pompous asshole. He's starting to look a little uncomfortable with how far down the rabbit hole I've gone and especially with his hand in it. "I wish you had been my mate, maybe this could have been prevented. It's such a waste, such a beautiful magnificent spirit being snuffed out."

"What is the point of all this?" My brother growls. "What do you even want from us?" Marcus shakes his head.

"Nothing, I want nothing from any of you. She just needs to break." Marcus replies. I can hear Caleb pulling at his chains in anger.

"And then what!" He spits, "What happens if you can get her to break?"

"Then he comes and puts her back together how he wants her to be. It will be over. Eve, your choice for today?" Marcus asks with a sigh. Ignoring my brother screaming at him to find out who is coming. Marcus knows my voice is gone. "Nod once for you, twice for your brother, three for your sister-in-law." I notice he's changed the order they are in this time, hoping to confuse me.

I blink once and hold his gaze. His shoulders droop, as 'fang boy' wheels in the trolley with the food and weights. They are quick to hook the weights on, throw the food in the opposite cells, and both exit so they don't have to watch as the chains raise again.

I go back to drifting in my head. It's safer than looking at the two people opposite me. Kassy's pity and Caleb's boiling rage.

Sometime much later... I feel the first shoulder dislocate, followed fast by the second. I can hear my brother and Kassy screaming in panic as my muscles start to tear.
Frankly, I'm surprised they have lasted this long. Part of me hopes my arms tear off and I can bleed out. Though I worry about what will happen to Caleb and Kassy once Marcus and the vampire's toy is gone.

But it will really fuck up their plans of 'breaking' me. Can't break me if I'm dead, can they?
I start to laugh, I can't stop. This situation is so hopeless and so fucked up, what else can I do but laugh.

Footsteps pound towards me and my weight is lifted by several pairs of arms and there is agitated talking. My brother is yelling. The chains are whirring as they are slackened. Then I'm on the floor and the chains are clanking as they are unlocked and thrown away.
It's a shame I'm too far gone would have been the perfect moment to kick their asses. Then I'm lifted and we're moving fast.

Outside the cell, through the hall, and up some steps, my body jostling as they run. There are bright lights blinding me, strange smells, and different voices.
I don't understand what the big rush is. Marcus said I needed to break. My body has done just that. Hell, my brain is barely aware of its surroundings these days.

Two of them are yelling. I feel pressure on my neck from another injection, but this one makes me sleepy. My eyes blur and my world goes quiet. Maybe they are finally putting me out of my misery?
If I was a common dog, they would have put me to sleep a long time ago.
But unfortunately, I am not a dog and this is not my well-deserved eternal rest.

I cringed when her shoulders went.
Shorter chapter today.
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