Chapter 27 Darius/Hulk

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I look at Eve’s wolf. Her black coat looks rough and lacks shine. Her bones stick out unhealthily. She still has a way to go before she is back in remotely good condition. But all faults aside, her gait is steady and her head is up. It’s progress. She currently has her nose in the air, her eyes closed as she basks in the sunlight. She looks peaceful and relaxed.

We laze around, eating from the picnic we have made, leaving her to reconnect with nature. We talk amongst ourselves about our next move, now that we had her back and the evidence the team has gathered so far in the caves.

I am keen to pack up and head home, maybe see if Eve would be open to me absorbing her pack, now that it has no Alpha. I’m not sure what Garret wants, but I imagine whatever Eve decides on, he will agree to. He would follow her anywhere.

Reece sits quietly watching Eve closely, while he munches on a chicken leg. He is slowly wiggling closer to her, hoping she won’t notice. I am pretty sure she is very aware, judging by the coiled tension in her hind legs.

Her ears prick suddenly and her eyes open as she goes on high alert, looking in the distance over Reece’s shoulder. Reece glances behind him and she instantly snatches the chicken leg out of his hand before pivoting to duck and hide behind Garret.

“Oi! “Reece exclaims, “Get your own bloody chicken, you thief!” She peers out from behind Garret and gives a wolfy huff laugh. Garret chuckles and rubs the fur by her ears.

“Well played Angel.” He congratulates her. She prances and preens, proud of herself.

At least she’s trying to joke around with you I laugh in Reece’s mind. He gives me a wry grin as he rummages to find another leg, then promptly curses.

“Damn it, Eve! That was the last one!” He pretends to stomp toward her. Tail wagging, she quickly scoffs down her stolen meal, then looks innocently at Reece with big puppy eyes.

“Lucky you’re cute.” He grumbles, playfully pulling on her tail. She leaps up suddenly bowling him over. He is quick to jump to his feet and give chase, as she uses Garret and me as barriers between them.

After a while, I nod to Reece and suddenly lean aside. Reece immediately takes advantage and lunges at her. They collide and roll, landing on their sides, Eve huffs. Laughing again. Reece sits up and strokes the fur on her jaw.

“It’s good to have you back baby, I missed you so incredibly much.” He swallows hard, his smile gone, eyes serious. “I am so fucking sorry we couldn’t find you faster, that we weren’t there when you needed us, that you went through so much alone. I failed you Eve and I will never, ever, forgive myself. But I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it right if you give me a chance. I will understand though if after everything you have been through you may not be able to.” He lowers his head exposing his neck to her in submission.

Eve stares like a deer in the headlights for a moment, before giving a soft blink and moving closer to him. She slowly leans her head toward him and I hold my breath in anticipation. She cautiously licks his chin, before climbing into his lap and pressing her forehead into his shoulder for comfort.

His arms wrap around her neck as he hugs her to him. His shoulders shaking. I can feel through our bond, his overwhelming relief to be holding her, to be close and accepted.

This is a huge step for her and we all know how special this moment is for all of us, especially for Reece. We avert our eyes and let them have their moment.

I watch Garret make a daisy chain until after some time has passed, Reece clears his throat and pulls back with a whispered: “thank you.” Eve nods and he gets to his feet to pack up the picnic, while we all pretend not to notice his damp eyelashes.

Garret walks over and places the daisy chain over her ears and she looks so damn cute, I have to discreetly whip out my phone and snap a quick photo. I give a little chuckle and Garret glances at me questioningly.

“The mighty fearsome dragon, who sends terror into the hearts of his enemies with just his name and tears people limb from limb - likes to make daisy chains.” He smirks back at me.

“I won’t tell if you won’t. Besides, she looks adorable.” He says, ruffling her coat.

We gather up our belongings and walk back. But Eve pauses and lets out a low growl as she sees her doctor coming towards us. The dreaded barer of needles.

“Eve, I said to wait another week before you attempted to call forth your other form.” He scolds. She immediately transitions into her human form. She ignores our growls and attempts to cover her up, shooing us away.

“I was actually looking for you. I’m feeling much better and would like to be discharged.” She demands. The doctor furrows his brow.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea Eve, you’re doing much better physically, but mentally... “ He trails off.

“Mentally, I’m not going to get better here, no offense. I need to be able to go outside. Rest without worrying about who’s going to walk through the door every five minutes. And don’t even get me started on those stupid needles.” She shudders. He nods thoughtfully.

“Well, I guess I could discharge you into his highness’s capable hands.” He says, looking at Garret. At his nod, the doctor hurries off to get things ready. Eve swings back to Garret.

“Your highness? You’re that Garret?” She asks, sounding a little panicked.

Oops, how did we miss telling her that?

“Why? How many dragons named Garret do you know?” Garret jokes, cocking an eyebrow.

That was a nice moment for them. I think they needed one.
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