Chapter 18 Darius/Hulk

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Adele answers the phone on the fourth ring.

“Any updates?” I ask before she can speak.

“Not a damn thing.” She snaps back. I groan in frustration. "You need to stop calling Alpha, we will let you know when we have something solid."

You should have something by now. Are you all sitting on your tails? You people are bound by oath as our power heads, to help us. How can you still have nothing!" I snarl.

“There were three helicopters that day, three different paths over a lot of difficult terrains. We have tracked the doctor to the Kansas medical hospital in Wichita. He’s sitting tight there and hasn’t returned home."

“So why haven’t you sent someone to grab him? And you have wings for Christ's sake, it's a five-minute job for you fucks to fly a helicopter path.” My faith in the dragons lowers more than it already had. I am beginning to think they are fucking up the search on purpose.

“Wolf turf.” Adele sniffs. "You know we don’t enter wolf territory. And Alpha Grant's hardly going to allow entry to us anyway. He never lets anyone in.”

“I bloody do too!” Grant growls from his desk, across from me. “You never bothered to ask!”

“What are you doing with Alpha Grant, Darius?” Adele asks, sounding surprised.

“Ok Adele, here’s what's going to happen. We are going to go find the good Doctor and take him on vacation. You are going to get the King to grant us entry to Colorado and we will let the King interrogate our doctor friend as a show of good faith. We will also be bringing help with us to aid in the search. We will search for her ourselves because clearly, the dragons are incompetent."

“He will never allow it.” She scoffs.

"He will allow it! Over two months, nearly three, my mate has been tortured. The destroyers of her pack laugh it up on your territory, while you sit there filing your fucking nails! The Alpha of Lightning Ridge is dead because you couldn't find them, his Luna and heir too! We are running out of time! Now get hold of the damn King, and get us access!” I hang up in her ear. Blood boiling. “Grant would you be so kind to retrieve the Doctor please,” I ask the Alpha opposite me. He grins and nods, leaping up and out the door of his office. It is better that Grant does it as I’d probably kill the fucker by accident.

I glance at Reece, who stares out the window. The serene landscape is at odds with the turmoil rolling through him.

eece is a ticking time bomb now, ever since the new Alpha, his mate, and heir’s links broke in death. He’s withdrawn and quick to anger. His eyes show how on edge he is. He’s terrified of her link dying off next. Frankly so am I. We were lucky Grant had 'mateless' at the party too and was quick to allow us into his territory. He’s keen to get his revenge for the seven pack members he lost.

The dragons have had more than enough time to do things their way, now they do it my way.

Reece spins suddenly.

“I have an idea." He states. I motion for him to spit it out. “Chances are high we are going to separate during this search. We need to be able to relay information as we aren't from the same pack. There are a lot of areas in the wilderness that cell phones won't cover. When we find Eve, she's going to need us working together seamlessly." He blows out a nervous breath. "I want you to mark me.” He strides towards me, yanking his shirt away from his neck before he kneels by my feet.

Of all the things I thought could have come out of his mouth, this wasn’t even on my radar. It will bind Reece and me together, feeling what each other feels. Reading thoughts when the other's guard is down. We may possibly develop mate-like feelings for each other (and I don’t look at men that way.) I’m definitely one hundred percent straight.

I place my hands on his shoulders.

“I could accept you as a pack member to get a link? We don’t need to go all in here. You would never be able to hide from me. We may end up getting... close.” Reece just shrugs.

“We are going to be sharing the same woman and bed. We are going to end up close whether you like it or not. I’m straight dude but we're going to see each other's cocks, living and fucking together, so I don’t see what the big deal is. This way we can track each other and know if the other one is mentally ok, or physically injured. If anything, it's going to make it easier for us to look after our girl. If we end up closer... it’s worth the-” He cuts off as I lunge and bite. His startled cry ends as a moan. I withdraw and bare my own neck.

“Hurry up before I change my mind.” I force out, as I feel his bond snap into place. He pounces on me and owwwwww! Holy shit that hurts... hurts so good. The moan escapes my lips before I can stop it and I feel my cock spasm as I come.

My cheeks redden in embarrassment. I’m one of the most feared Alphas in the U.S.A and I just came like a schoolboy the first time. Because of a man. That is now also my chosen marked mate. Reece claps my shoulder once he withdraws his teeth.

“Don’t panic man, I did too.”

Well, that was awkward. I clear my throat to speak but have no idea what to say. My mouth opens and closes a few times before I give up and just stare at him. I just hope Eve understands why we did it and it doesn't weird her out.

Don’t overthink it man, just take it day by day,” Reece says, making me scowl. Pricks digging in my head already.

I look away from his unblinking gaze and nod. We sit in silence, awkward at first but it becomes comfortable after a while as our new bond hums and soothes us.

We stand at the sound of tires on gravel. That must be the Doctor arriving with his escort. I rub my hands together, ready to get to work. As I stride to the door, my cell phone goes off on Grant's desk. Reece picks it up, grinning as he sees the caller's I.D., and answers it. He doesn’t even get to greet the caller. I can hear the word “Granted” snarled through the phone, before the call drops.

Knew the dragon King would see things my way.

eady or not Eve, here we come.

Oh.... wonder if that marking is going to change their dynamic?
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