Chapter 19 Eve

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I don’t know how long it's been.

he food and water stopped the day the last of my family was killed. A high-pitched eardrum bursting noise comes through speakers each time I try to sleep.

They come down regularly to beat me, break my bones, jab me with needles full of God knows what, and then leave. Sometimes they lower me down to the ground and then cover my face with a cloth, pouring water over it and I feel like I’m drowning.

Sometimes they come in and put a stick in my mouth before they attach pads to my body, then send jolts of electricity through me. No one ever speaks. The attacks come at random.

The bodies of Kassy, Caleb, and the baby remain. The smell and the sight were overwhelming at first but now I’m just in some kind of permanent daze.

’m so beyond sleep deprived, I tried to poke my own eyes out so they couldn’t see when I slept. It made sense to my befuddled brain at the time.

Since then, they have had me permanently back in a standing position with my arms up so I can't hurt myself. I find this hilarious since they are doing a good enough job of hurting me themselves. My body is now on autopilot, only bare necessities are operating.

I can hear the sound of footsteps again. A shadow of a grin graces my face. Maybe today is the day they go too far and finish me. I vaguely remember promising myself I wouldn’t give up. I think that annoying stubborn side is nearly muted now.

don’t even know how I’m still alive at this point. Breathing is hard and with nearly every rib broken, my whole body hurts. I just want to lie down and sleep forever.

I hear my cell door swing open. The sudden needle in my neck doesn't phase me. I don’t even bother to acknowledge those that enter the cell anymore. It requires energy I don’t have. My vision wavers. I hear lips near my ear.

“Who do you belong to?”

My eyes close in relief and my body shudders.

“You Reece, only you.” I rasp out,

A hand trails from my back to my front and there he is. So beautiful to my tired eyes. I didn’t think I was capable of tears anymore; I am so dehydrated, yet a tear formed and trickles down my cheek. He sticks his finger out and collects it when it reaches my jaw, popping it in his mouth.

“Want to get out of here?” He asks. I nod. “What will you give me if I set you free?” I suck in a harsh breath. Why isn’t he ripping the walls down to free me? Why is he just casually having a conversation? I look at him confused.

“How about a blow job? I let you down and you blow me, then we will get out of here?”

stare at him dumbly. “I’m kidding, sheesh!” He carefully wraps an arm around me and brings his lips to my chapped split ones. I sigh against him.

This is the first act of kindness and gentleness I have experienced since I arrived here, even if his joking is inappropriate at the moment.

eece deepens the kiss, shoving his tongue in my mouth and I return it eagerly. He groans and pulls me tightly against him.

My abused body screams in protest and I gasp into his mouth, locking my eyes on his ...brown eyes? Reece doesn’t have brown eyes, he has blue. I bite his lip hard, drawing blood. He curses and shoves me away with a chuckle.

“Nearly had you.” Fang boy laughs before he leaves the cell and I mentally call him all the names under the sun.

A werewolf I haven’t seen before steps in and begins to use me as his punching and kicking bag. I hear my shin bone snap and know he’s broken it. The wet trickle down my leg tells me the bone has come through my skin. If my arm chains weren't so tight, I imagine I would be lopsided now.

My vision wavers. Sometimes the werewolf looks like Hulk or Reece as he attacks my body before he returns to his own features. Part of me knows they aren’t here but the other drug-addled half sinks into sadness, not understanding why they would hurt me like this. I can’t help the feeling of betrayal.

He lays some good hits to my kidneys and I feel my stomach heaving before I wretch. It's all blood coming out, the only fluid I have left. He grins at me wearing Hulk's face, before leaving.

I’m so confused, I don’t know what's going on anymore. I just need to sleep. Everything will make sense if I sleep. My head bobs and my eyes flutter shut. My breathing slows further as I sink into the dark and quiet of my-

My ears feel like they are being stabbed as I madly try and cover them with my shoulders from the noise that assaults them. I would scream if I could, cry if I could, die if I could... I wish I could.


They continue to assault me frequently. Sometimes it's with the face of my new mate, sometimes it’s Reece.

am breaking, my mind is so scrambled and my moments of lucidity are less and less. They hurt me and then whisper sweet nothings in my ear. Over time their betrayal no longer saddens me. It turns to hate. They are supposed to love me and keep me safe. I relish the times I am alone now, so I do not have to look upon their deceitful faces. I only wish I could be free long enough to rip their disgusting hearts out of their chests and stomp them to a pulpy mess.

When there is nothing but silence and solitude, my mind plays tricks on me. Sometimes my brother's rotting corpse sits up and spits hurtful words at me, blaming me for their deaths. Sometimes my father sits in my cell and tells me it's okay to just let go, to join them.

On the times I totter on the edge of wakefulness and sleep, I see the ghost man. He begs me to hold on, that they are coming. He is the only thing making me take my next breath. He is always interrupted by the shrill assault on my ears.

He is also a liar and a mirage. No one is coming for me.

The worst trick my mind plays is when it sees the hospital room but it's different from the one the vamps healed me in. Darius or Reece would be holding my hand, sometimes both of them, telling me I was safe now, they got me back. I always feel relief, a moment of peace and then I am jerked awake by that damned siren and I cry, knowing I will never be free.

My mind is now my greatest enemy. I don’t know what they have given me but I can no longer tell what is real and what is not.

Of late my father's pleas to end my suffering are making more sense. I can’t take anymore. My heart is shattered and my body is broken. My mind is fractured. It will break completely soon. They have for all intents and purposes done what they set out to do.

I am roused from my stupor by a new voice.

“Take her blood, check her genetics for compatibility against mine, I want to see if there's any chance at all she can give me an heir if I can turn her. It’s time to get this show on the road, she’s ripe for the picking. “

There's a prick to my neck, as a needle removes blood.

“Someone get her cleaned up, I don’t want to fuck her smelling like this. Get a rush on those results too. She needs an I.V line for hydration and nutrients, keep up the hallucinogens, finish breaking the mind, keep her body alive.” The footsteps retreat.

My mind struggles to make sense but fails. So I stop trying and just focus on trying to breathe.

Poor Eve's losing the battle.
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