Chapter 40 Devlin (Lycan King)

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What the hell just happened?
I have never been so intrigued in my life. First, she threatens my throne. Then she hits me and shoves me. Denies me marking her by shoving her fist down my throat, before berating me like a bad dog. Then she ignores me but starts to eye fuck me before dropping a bombshell on the combined councils.

She is feisty and stubborn. She doesn't listen to her mates and despite her revelation of being a mix of the races, I am absolutely besotted. In all my centuries of wading through this boring existence, I feel alive.

She is beautiful, with her long hair, olive skin, curves, and flashing eyes. She is watching the council squabble over the impossibility of her claims, while her mate's pace and growl beside her.

"Calm your tits." She snaps at one of the vampire councilmen. "I don't want your kingdom's shitty throne. I am letting you know my lineage, not declaring war to take over myself."

"Watch your tone! You are lucky to be in here at all woman!" One of the witches snarls at her and I growl in his direction. Doesn't the idiot realize, as my mate, she will be the Queen? "It should only be the higher-ups in here, the men!"

he bristles and clenches her fists. Her mates are quick to pull her aside and talk to her before she can throw a punch or whatever else it was she was contemplating.

"What attributes of the other breeds do you carry?" One of the Fae calls out.

"I thought I was all wolf, till my blood said otherwise." She replies with a shrug, seeming calmer.

"You have an unprecedented four mates, do you think you will receive one for each race you carry?" One of my council asks. Her shoulders stiffen and she scrubs at her face with frustration.

"Jesus, I hope not." She grumbles, tucking herself into her dragon prince's chest to hide her face from the idea.

The Dragon King calls for order, then puts forward the suggestion that the amendment for the royal lines goes through. The full amendment is reserved until an investigation is done to see how far across the board the hybrids exist.

hey agree and he reminds all councils of the importance of keeping all information discussed today out of the hands of the enemy, before suggesting everyone takes an hour break to re-center themselves.

As the room clears, I realize my mate is escaping into the crowd, while her mates stand there linking each other. She's clearly pissed off they are discussing things without including her.

grin and swipe a platter of cheesecake and a fork from the tables as I head off after her, following her delicious scent of rosemary and daphne.

I find her slumped against a willow tree, running her hands through her hair, deep in thought. I approach with caution. Her eyes narrow at me as she spots me. I hold out the cheesecake as a peace offering. She looks at it, then at me.

"Least you learn fast." She mumbles accepting the plate and motioning for me to sit. I sit opposite her cross-legged as she attacks her dessert. She studies me in between bites, weighing my worth before her eyes start following the lines of my tattoos over my body. She places her now empty plate aside and looks at me with her arms crossed.

"Your highness." She begins.

"Devlin." I correct.

"Your highness." She continues. "Why did you attack my mate when it was me you were angry with?"

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