Chapter 22 Darius/ Hulk

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I watch Garret head down the hill. He’s barely human, the dragon side so close to the surface. He keeps staring at me and Reece. I’m not sure if he wants to kill us or not, it's hard to read the emotion in his eyes. But those bloody dragon eyes of his unnerve the shit out of me.

Reece nudges me to gain my attention and points down to the cave.

ook he says through our link. That’s the one that killed the Alpha. Sure enough, a vampire staggers out, before falling aside and vomiting. He looks up blindly at the sky before pushing himself upright and darting off into the forest like he has the hounds of hell after him.

“Looks like confirmation to me.” The King says, clasping my shoulder. I nod in agreement, readying myself. Reece does the same.

Garret comes barreling up the hill. Reece jumps in front of him and holds up a photo of Eve.

“Find her, don’t hurt her.” He instructs. Garret snatches the photo from him and runs a finger over it, eyes wide and whirling with a range of emotions. He holds it to his chest and then tucks it inside his shirt. Odd.

“We move now!” He growls, heading over to descend down toward the cave entrance. He's like a bulldozer and everyone rushes to get out of his way. Murderous intent is written all over his face, as he pulls the axe from his back sheath, twirling it as he stomps away.

is brother doesn’t even attempt to stop him, seeing his inner monster coming out to play.

We follow down behind him, weapons in hand. Garret doesn’t hesitate to step into the entrance. Neither do we. The snarl up ahead and the scream that follows, let us know Garret has his first target. I bare my teeth at Reece. Let's go get our girl! He nods back at me, his emotions locking away as he goes into warrior mode.

Up ahead the scene is bloody. Garret's axe has one man pinned to the wall through his chest and Garret himself has his claws lengthened, dragon scales showing on his arms, and fangs descending, as he tears through the men in the room. He's a one-man army, now lost to his beast. We make sure we stay out of his striking range, unsure if he is present enough to recognize a friend from foe.

We rip through the ones trying to escape him. These bastards have kept our mate from us for too long and when there are no more enemies left in this chamber, Garret glances at Reece and I and nods, seeing we are upright. He tugs his axe free, shoves past us, and continues down the hall. Room by room we clear as we go. It’s a massacre. They clearly weren't expecting us.

We encounter a few pockets of resistance, where they attempt to hold us off, but they are no match for the bristling, snarling death machine leading the way.

We move ahead of Garret, who can clearly hold his own, and start to organize ourselves into two search groups. We can clear the rooms faster and have a chance at destroying the enemy before Garret deprives us of the pleasure. Reece is in one group, me in the other. I thank the stars we have our link, so we can stay in touch with each other in the madness.

When we meet the team from the Kansas entrance, there is only one door left to go. Garret shoves his way past us all, drenched in blood, and throws the door open. There are stairs leading down and we immediately follow.

e pauses at the bottom, looking at the hall that goes in both directions and scents the air. The smell of death decay and excrement meets our noses but beneath it all, there is the faint smell of her. Garret’s unnerving dragon eyes lock on mine.

“Jasmine” He growls. His voice is distorted through his fangs, as he runs off to the left. What jasmine? Reece shrugs at me, equally confused as we take off after Garret.

Garret digs his heels in suddenly and grabs two men as they round the corner. He pins them both at their neck and scents them. The man in the white coat's neck is broken straight after scenting and dropping. The other receives a roar from the infuriated dragon. The man's fangs descend, showing his vampire side as he growls back, slashing his claws at Garret's arms.

Ignoring the claws, Garret lifts the man higher and drops his own head enough to scent the man's crotch. His lips peel away from his fangs as he growls murderously. He plunges his free hand into the vamp's crotch and his claws tear and shred. He pulls the remains of the man's cock and testicles free, before shoving them into the man's mouth, choking him with them.

The Vamp's eyes bulge as he gags and makes high-pitched noises. Garret plunges his hand into the vamp's chest, yanking out the heart. He drops it on the ground, stomps on it, and releases his grip on the man, allowing him to slide down the rock wall. Dead.

He continues on at this fast pace, rounding the corner and we race after him. He halts, falling to his knees. My own legs wobble and Reece and I grab each other for support. Oh Kitten, what have they done to you!

Reece looks at me in horror. She looks dead. She isn’t, but it’s a miracle. How is she still breathing? She barely resembles the woman we know.

nconscious, bloody, and broken. There is even a bone clearly jutting out of the skin on her leg. She is naked. Skin and bones and black and blue. We step forward to cut her down, only to have the King hold us back. He points to his brother.

Garret stares at her in awe.

“My Angel” He whispers. His claws, fangs, and scales recede. The King moves forward and clasps his shoulder.

“Garret?” Garret's eyes swing towards his brother and his brother gasps. Gone are the golden amber dragon eyes and instead a pair of storm-grey eyes meet the Kings. His humanity bleeding back into his face as we watch.

The King nods in understanding and steps forward to help her down. Garret snarls at him, making him freeze on the spot. He puts his hands out in surrender and backs away as Garret rises to his feet.

He gingerly supports her weight, holding her like she is made of spun glass. He reaches for the first chain and yanks it, snapping it instantly, before doing the same to the other. He carefully moves her so he can scoop under her legs, holding her like a baby against his chest. He inhales by the crook of her neck, grounding himself with her scent.

For the first time in forever, Garret is still. His face is serene and gentle, as he gazes at our mate in adoration. What the hell is going on?

He looks at me and Reece, then growls a word that throws my world off center.

“Mine” Ohhhh, oh! I look at Reece in disbelief.

What the fuck! Reece links.

What the fuck indeed.

Yay! Garret has his mate at long last, and Eve has been rescued. I'm so glad 'fang boy' met his end.
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