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Phew! Thats book one done and dusted!

I hope you enjoyed the first book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

If this book made you laugh, cry, shocked, or made you squirm a little, then it's come out as I hoped. I want my readers to feel, to empathize and get caught up in the journey.

This journey is far from done with two more books on the way, because lord forbid I leave you all hanging.

I want to thank you all for taking a chance on this book and sticking with it. I hope to see you continue on with me on Eve's journey.

Every vote, comment, message and follow, spurs me on to keep going, and means the world to me. You keep it up and I'll keep writing!

I've set myself mile stones, and as we hit views and voting targets, I'll release extra chapters early as a thankyou.

The more you interact with the book, the higher its rankings get, and more people find it.

I want to send special thanks to my friends and family who have actively encouraged me to release this book to the wattpad public to test the waters with this genre of writing, and had great faith in me. Last but not least to my editor Bexx who is currently tearing through my hard copy and fixing my mistakes before it goes to Amazon.

Book 2 will focus more on Eve's growing harem. It will have spicy content of course, and maybe a few shocks along the way.

Don't forget to come to the dark side and follow me, we have cookies over here. 🍪

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