Chapter 16 Eve

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My eyes flutter awake and I find myself strapped down on a bed, in some weird version of a hospital room, if the sterile smell is anything to go by. However, the rocky walls ruin the effect.

m I rescued? Am I safe?

There are monitors beside me beeping away. I lift my head and see I.V. lines carrying fluids to my arms. I feel stronger, better than my previous sorry state. I can feel my links stirring in my head. I reach for the one I know to be Hulk and pull hard to get his attention.

Kitten! His voice floats through immediately.

id you find me? I ask nervously, terrified of the answer.
No, we are desperately trying to get a lead on where they have you. He links and I can feel his frustration. My heart sinks, knowing this is just a brief reprieve from my personal hell. I shove his link into my eyes to see what I see, hoping something is of use

I need out, I need you to find me. They are healing me now, probably to start all over again. Kasey can't have her baby here. Do you know anything at all about where I am?

Only that you're in dragon territory, somewhere by Canon Creek, in Colorado. The dragons are trying to find you.

They're doing a bang-up job so far I grumble.

Focus kitten, use your wolf, can you hear anything? I close my eyes and strain my ears.

can hear people talking quietly in different areas but nothing I can distinctly make out. I can hear the wind picking up and rain. Sounds like a pretty crap day out there. There's a helicopter flying over. There's the door to my room opening. Shit!

I'm going to trace helicopters flying in the area at this time, it will help us find you faster. He soothes me as my eyes glare at the intruder that has entered the room. I make sure Hulk sees him too. With his name badge of Dr. Kershaw on it. I take a big breath in, scenting him. Definitely wolf.

Good girl Hulk whispers in my head.

The Doctor glances up from his clipboard, surprised to see me looking back at him. He reaches into his pocket, producing a syringe. I immediately struggle, pulling at the bindings holding me down now that my wolf is in play. Pleased to hear a tearing sound in response.

The Doctor immediately hits a buzzer by the bed. Two more wolves rush in but I get an arm loose and start throwing punches at anyone that comes near. Unfortunately, it is short-lived. With my wolf in recovery mode and the three wolves fighting fit, I am quickly overwhelmed and the syringe is administered. Hulk's link wavers and he curses in frustration as the link drops.

I growl in anger. Back to being weak and helpless. Marcus throws open the door, surveying the faces of the men that are climbing off me now I'm subdued. I'm proud to see a black eye, a split lip, and a broken nose in the mix. Marcus clucks his tongue at me disapprovingly.

"Back to wreaking havoc I see."

"Go fuck yourself!" I snarl at him.

"Glad to see you're feeling better." He grins. Then nods at the doctor (whatever his name was) who produces another syringe. This one is the lights-out one. Oh goody.


I wake up back in my cell, sitting, back against the wall, arms loosely raised. It's like déjà vu all over again. I glance over at the cells opposite, where Kasey and my brother doze.

I see a bottle of water within reach and a bucket. Looks like my accommodations have been upgraded. It's moved up to five stars apparently. At least now I have something to piss in and some fluid so I actually have to piss out.

can definitely work with this. Now that I'm feeling better, while still weak, my body feels relatively healed for the most part. This means I may be able to start giving my captors shit again. If they think bribery will make me more pliant they have another thing coming.

I'm ashamed of the part of me that had wished I could bleed out when my arms went. Ashamed for trying to embrace death. I am better than that. Dad didn't raise a weak assed runt. In fact, he would have been downright ashamed.

need to get my game face on. They want me to break. I will not give them the satisfaction.

As time passes, meals are brought down, rousing my cellmates. I am given one too, much to my surprise. I nibble at it slowly. The feeling of food going down and sitting in my shriveled stomach is uncomfortable and threatens to come back up.

don't manage to eat much of my first meal but I'm pleased to be able to speak to my brother and share what information I have been able to pass onto 'Hulk'.

My brother is excited, hopeful it will give them the leads they need to find us. I want to share in his enthusiasm but the reality is no one knows where we are.

The next few days are uneventful. We are fed, given water, and apart from our regular injections to dull our wolves and leave us feeling like frat boys who drank too much - we are essentially left to our own devices.

am pleased to be able to get a few hits in during injection times on occasion. Well, I'm pleased, my captors not so much.
I really want to try and strengthen my muscles, but with the low amount of calories going in, it is smarter to conserve my energy.

I see 'Fang boy' standing there watching us after he slides our meals across each time, observing us. His brain ticking away. I know as I stare into those cold calculating eyes, this reprieve isn't going to last much longer. It is merely the calm before the storm.

I wish with all my heart I am wrong.

ut unfortunately, I am right.

Another short chapter. She got more intel out to Hulk, so that's positive. And an accommodation upgrade.
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