Chapter 12 Eve

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They drag Kassy by her hair to the cell beside my brother. She screams and thrashes, while my brother throws himself against his restraints and we both call them all the names under the sun. At last, the vampire has Kassy restrained and then both my brother and my sister-in-law begin to be raised up above the floor by their chains.

Marcus surveys us with a wide shit-eating grin. I wished I was free, even if it was just long enough to punch it from his face.

"Right, game time. Here's how this is going to work." Marcus begins to pace as he speaks. "We will give you five minutes to decide between you, which two will eat and which one will go without and have weight added to their ankles. The one with the weight added is stuck with it until tomorrow. Then you will be given a five-minute reprieve to choose who gets what, all over again tomorrow."

"Those who eat will get to stay on the floor. However, the moment you are selected to have weight on, even if you are selected to eat at a later date, you will only get ten minutes before you are raised by your chains to continue to bare the weight you have. Is everyone with me so far?" He takes our glares and silence as agreement.

"Good! So, you have five minutes starting now, to decide who will be the longest to suffer. Eve will be the only one to tell me what the decision is and by God, you will make a decision Eve, or I'll add weight to you all and none will eat." He walks away taking the vampire with him.

"Me!" Caleb says straight away. "Kassy needs the food, and her body won't take as much as ours will and Jesus Eve, you have been through enough, you're still dripping on the floor. Your backs mincemeat and what that vamp did to you..."

"Fine!" I blurt to shut him up. I do not need Kassy to know how low I've fallen. I glance at Kassy. "You ok Kass? They hurt you?" She shakes her head, as tears fall.

"No, I was knocked out, I just woke up a while ago. A wolf was watching me, then that vamp came." Kassy turns her head to her mate. "I'm so sorry I wasn't strong enough to keep our baby safe! I'm so, so sorry!" She is ugly crying now and Caleb is trying to make soothing noises to her.

Marcus and his fanged sidekick come back into view.

"Has a decision been reached?" He asks formally. I nod.

"They eat, I get the weight," I say coldly.

"Like bloody hell!" Caleb growls. "That wasn't the decision we made!" I roll my eyes at him.

"She needs you Caleb and you're the Alpha now. What head warrior would I be, if I didn't put the wellbeing of my Alpha and Luna ahead of my own?" I speak softly. Caleb bows his head to me. He knows I am right, but he doesn't like it, even if it is the way it is meant to be.

The vampire lowers their chains and wanders off, soon returning with a wooden trolley. Two good meals on it and two weights. He slides the meals across the concrete to their waiting hands, before locking their cells and turning to me with a grin.

He reaches down to the bottom tier of the trolley and pulls out two thick short chains. Silver chains, of course. He drops one on the ground below me and kneels, catching my foot as it attempts to kick him in a slow-motion style. Whatever shit they have us on is screwing all my chances to fight back.

he vampire deftly wraps the chain in his hand around the back of my ankle, crossing it at the front and then locking it in place under the arch of my foot.

I welcome the immediate burn it brings, distracting me from the burn at my wrists and back. He then quickly repeats the process with the other chain.

he vampire strides away to the trolley to return with the two weights dangling on hooks. Ten kilos clearly marked on both of them. At least they are starting small, it is important to focus on the positives in this scenario. He hooks them under the chain at the bottom of my foot and stands back to admire his work.

"If you want a break for those aching shoulders darling, just let me know." He smirks. "I'll gladly take the weight and let you rest when you wrap those beautiful long legs around my waist again." Marcus guffaws and claps his asshole sidekick on the back.

hey then stroll away after locking my cell, without a backward glance. There is clearly no guilt festering in their actions.

"Eve?" Kassy asks around a mouthful of steak, as she looks over my figure. "What happened to your clothes?"

"Don't be jealous of my perky breasts." I joke. Trying to ignore the delicious smells wafting my way from their plates, which make my stomach cramp in hunger.

"Hardly." She scoffed back. "So, is there a plan at all? Or are you just planning on hanging around all day?"

"Oh, so now you're a comedian!" I shoot back. She shrugs, then puts her serious face on, looking at me expectantly. The same me who is injured, hanging with weights on, while she sits comfortably with a gourmet meal. Yes, I have so many plans to help her, once I channel my inner escape artist. Dork!

ut I don't say that. As my future Luna, it is my job to keep her calm and positive. To find solutions to problems.

"No plan yet Kass. Links are limp and wolves are asleep. They keep drugging us and we aren't healing." Caleb says.

strain my ears to listen if there is anyone down here with us. Hoping I am right and it is safe, I blurt: "Reece's link stirred, then my new MATE-" I spit the word. "Reached out. He said Reece was alive. The ones in the bunker and a handful of survivors made it too but the rest are gone." I watch them absorb the news, seeing the sadness fill their eyes before I continue on. "I let him see what I see. They know you're alive Caleb. It will give the pack hope." Caleb nods thoughtfully.

"Eve, how did your mate get through? Did you guys mark each other straight away?" He asks.

"Hell no! I ran from him, but he caught up, and then the fighting started. We fought together as you remember and then I was here. No time to get jiggy with it, not that I would with him anyway. " I sulk.

My brother eyes me with interest.

"You sure there's no claim bites?" He presses.

"Just the one ole sharp tooth gave me yesterday when he stopped by for a light refreshment." I snipe.

"What side did he bite?" My brother continues. I motion to my right with my head.

See if you can flick your hair away from the left and bare your neck." I narrow my eyes at him but sluggishly do as asked. "And there it is!" He cries gleefully.

"There what is?" I ask confused.

"Your mate mark. Sneaky shit must have got to you before the enemy got you. This is good though." He says, holding his hand up to stop me from speaking, while I splutter in fury. "They can at least get a direction on us."

"He's bloody lucky we need him at the moment," I grumble. "I'm still going cut off his cock and feed it to him when I see him! Bloody claim me when I said no!"

My brother just laughs at me.

"At least you have something to look forward to!"

Well at least our girl isn't alone anymore.
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