Chapter 38 Reece

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I have watched Eve grow in leaps and bounds. She has worked closely with architects on the new pack house design, which is now being built. She has visited each family who lost loved ones and consoled them.

arius introduced her to his pack and had her sworn in as Luna to establish the pack bond with his wolves too. He also accepted Garret into his pack so, he could also link with everyone, a very historic moment.

Eve is eating and gaining weight well. She has resumed her training and gained some of her muscle mass. She visits her family's graves at the end of each day and talks to them about the pack's progress. She's still a bit pissy that she can't let her alpha side out yet, but understands that it isn't forever.

She's so much better with me now, almost like how she was before. We laugh and joke and go everywhere together. I steal little kisses and she lets me. Each night she snuggles in my arms and sleeps.

Sometimes, when she is overwhelmed and memories become too much, we find her in the gym, beating the crap out of a punching bag. She's even broken a couple. She always goes bare-fisted (which is frustrating) and she is often left with bloody skinned-to-the-bone knuckles.

A couple of times she has overdone it and we have had to pull her away before she breaks her hands. Those times she ends up crying as she fights us off until she gives in to our reassurances and lets us comfort her.

Her nightmares aren't as frequent these days, but when they hit they are devastating. She gets embarrassed once she's back in her right mind and angry that her abusers still affect her.

We meet daily with the two Beta's, Delta's, and Gamma's of our two packs, with Grant and the King on video call. We discuss the latest information found between us on the vampire king's plans.

We know the dark Fae are involved. Also a few wolf packs. There's also a rogue army. The witches in the dark magic circles and of course the vampire king and his minions, working under the radar of the vampire council.

We also found the bloodwork results done on Eve. Her doctor managed to get us to pin her down long enough, under the guise of checkup bloodwork, to run his own tests.

he results were surprising, to say the least. She is everything in one. What that means she can do, we don't know yet. We are going to drop the bomb on her soon. We are just picking our moment and telling her who her Dad actually is. We are currently sitting in for our first meeting of the day, discussing a meeting with the heads of the races.

"Darius will need to extend the invitations since I can't declare myself as Alpha and they would ignore a Lunas summons," Eve says, tapping her fingers with agitation. "Extend it to the councils or heads of light Fae, Warlocks, Dragons, the Weres (excluding the ones we know are traitors), and the Lycans.

Your one to the vampire council will need to be carefully worded so as to not get the King's attention. "

"The Lycans are an uppity lot. I don't even know if they will come to a meeting called by lowly Weres." Charles grumbles.

"That's why you inform them that there is a real threat to the power balance, that will affect their own. Do you really think the wolves and rogues will allow them to hold their power over us if they win the war? Only those on their side will remain in a solid position. The rest of us will be lucky to remain at all." Eve counters.

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