Chapter 39 Eve

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"Kitten, they are all seated, are you coming to watch us stir up the hornets' nest?" Darius calls out from the gym door. I grab my water bottle and chug it. Before toweling myself off.

"Go on ahead, I'll just clean up and head over." I grin. I head off for the changing rooms and rush through a shower.

hen I realize I only have my sweaty gym gear and a clubbing outfit in my old gym bag in my locker. At least with me not being a dress girl, it's pants, leather ones, and a scoop neck halter. I shrug. It's not like I give a rat's ass what the uppers think of my clothes.
I wriggle into them, chuck on my boots, and brush out my hair. It's as presentable as this body is going to get. I collect the binder for Darius from his office and wander off to the hall where the meeting is taking place. I follow the sounds of raised voices. Sounds like things are going well, I note sarcastically.
I sneak in quietly but the door slams accidentally when I release it. As the heads swivel in my direction, I mentally pat myself on the back for my stealth. Way to go dumb ass!

"Are you lost, young lady?" One of the Were council asks me.

"No, I'm not old man." I dismiss him and stride down to where a powerful shifted Lycan is pinning Hulk by the throat to a table. Bloody cheat shifting! I growl as I take aim at the hairy giant and throw the hefty binder in my arms frisbee style at the Lycans head. Snapping it to the side. I ignore his growl and shove him off my mate. A feat I wouldn't have been able to do if he had been expecting little ole me to attack.

"Get your God damn hands off my mate!" I growl at him.

"Ah, Eve we were just talking about you," Darius says, rubbing his throat. "His majesty came himself to meet the she-wolf who dares to threaten his throne."

y eyes narrow at the Lycan.

"So, he threatens one of his other subjects. How honorable. Shifting to assert his dominance over someone that's not me." I scoff.

"Well to be fair, he requested I hand you over, which I respectfully declined." Darius winks.

The Lycan is standing stock still, scenting the air with his head cocked. Jesus, what's his issue? I had a shower. His eyes jump to mine.

"You!... Mate?" He asks, voice deep and raspy in this form.

"Yes, I am Darius's mate," I affirm. Did he not understand when I told him to get off my mate? Does he require sock puppets to better understand?

e leans closer, grabbing my shoulders and sniffing me directly. A current of energy runs through me and tingles erupt from where he touches. My jaw clenches. No. Fucking. Way! This has got to be a bad joke!

"You are mine!" He growls, teeth descending to my neck.

h, fuck no! I shove my hand into his mouth, shoving it to the back of his throat, choking him. I ignore how his sharp teeth shred my knuckles.

"Nope, bad dog! Where are your manners? I have three mates and I do not want a fourth. And no marking without permission!" I scold him. His eyes are full of confusion as I stand there with my fist in his mouth while he gags.

I withdraw my fist and wipe his slobber and my blood on my top.

"Right, enough of this. Change back. You're here now, so you can listen to what we need to tell you all. I mean it! Shift your ass back and sit down."

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