Chapter 48 Eve

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It's been a week of planning, training, and hardly any sleep. I've been careful to stay out of reach of the vampire proxy and avoid eye contact. He has also given me a polite wide berth, ensuring he always sits a good distance away from me and only speaking to me when I've needed him to.

t's surprised me that he has kept such a respectful distance and I've been able to pretend I don't have a vampire for my mate. Still doesn't stop me from dragging Garret with me to every encounter though. I need the safety net of my protective dragon. The vampire unnerves me.

Devlin, despite our rocky introduction, is like a kindred spirit. When we aren't binge-watching Trekkie episodes, we are sneaking out for cheesecakes, cracking jokes, and goofing around.

He kissed me the other day after a sparring session. I do like him a lot. I'm not ready to claim him yet though. It's only been just over a week and despite what my heart is trying to force-feed me and the tingling in my canines to mark him, I'm enjoying getting to know him.

He's pretty cool when he's not being the asshole Lycan King to everyone else and I refuse to have the mating bond rush me.

Since mating my first three mates, I've had them jump me in the most random places. The pantry, the stairs, Garret even laid me out on his bike. Insatiable buggers. I've never had so much sex in my life. To think there will soon be another in the mix, and others as we find them...I pray for the well-being of my pussy.

I am so glad I was able to step away from my fears and allow myself to just feel, instead of think. That's become my new motto around my original three mates. If it feels right, go with it. I feel much better and they do too, not having the mating bond riding us to complete it. Although it seems to have raised their libidos and now that they are mated, they seem to think they now have a free pass with me.

I'm not complaining though, they are good at reading my body's cues and interpreting my feelings through our bond. Makes for great sex without the awkward flashbacks.

We are currently in the war room updating the giant map with the latest intel. I sigh as I realize a weapons plant has been found on vamp territory by spies. I reluctantly turn towards Luka and scowl as his eyes flash, meeting mine. I force myself to blink hard before I fall in.

"You need to get one of your teams to take out a plant," I say as I shove the papers at him, breathing a sigh of relief as he averts his gaze to look over the documents. He gives a nod, before going to the phone on the side desk to make a call.

"Baby?" Reece pops his head around the door. "We got a lead on a mole. Fancy getting your dancing shoes out to go to Hells Gate?"

"Fuck yeah!" I fist pump. I haven't been there for ages. It's an underground supe club on human turf and a great place to let loose. It's close to Lycan turf too, so makes for an interesting time out with all sorts of supes popping in.

"For work Eve." Reece reminds me, entering the room properly. I pout.

"All work and no play...."

"Maybe you can let loose once we achieve what we're going there for." He amends, giving in. I give a whoop and launch myself at him. He catches me easily as I wrap my arms and legs around him and smother his face in kisses while he laughs.

"Class dismissed!" I holler to the room filled with men behind me, ignoring the catcalls and sniggers when Garret comes up behind me, sandwiching me between them. The rest of the men trickle out of the room. I bask in the protective circle of two of my mates. "So, who's going?" I ask Reece.

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