Chapter 9 Eve

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Trigger warning. Eve’s chapters are going to be brutal for a while. Will contain torture and rape.

Muffled sounds filter through to my ears as I stir. I hear a laugh and groan. Jesus, how much did I have to drink last night?

My body feels like it has been hit by a truck and there is a jackhammer going off in my head. I am so disoriented. The sounds around me were unfamiliar and the musty smell in the air was foreign. I crack open an eye, my vision is blurry with little light.

I move my hands to rub my eyes, finding them numb and uncooperative. I hear a jingling noise when I try again. I realize my arms are raised above me and restrained.

For a moment I smirk. Reece and his kinky ass are at it again. But the laugh I hear suddenly has my head jerking up to take better stock of my surroundings. I carefully scent the air. Beyond the musty smell is the scent of old blood and excretion. I can faintly smell the scent of my brother, his mate, as well as other unknown wolves I don’t recognize. My vision moves into focus, and I can see walls of bars surrounding me. I am in a cell. Three walls of bars and one of stone.

I raise myself cautiously from the floor, the chains at my wrists clinking as I move. Bracing a foot against the stone wall, survival mode now kicks in. I grip one of the chains in both hands and yank as hard as I can against it, but let go fast, hissing in pain as the skin of my hand's burns and bubbles. Bloody silver! Thin material wrapped around my wrists has stopped it from burning prior.

I rack my brain trying to figure out what the hell is going on. I start listing events in my head.

1. Sex in the shower with Reece (Whoop!)

2. Unmated party ( boo!)

3. Found my mate (groan! Bloody Hulk)

4. Dad in the office acting all weird

5. …...The pack was attacked!

My brain floods with memories and I choke back a sob. Mum! Dad! They are gone! Dad’s voice told me to run and then I was overwhelmed by the enemy.

I sniff the air hoping for the familiar scent of Reece but only the faint scent of Caleb and Kasey is in the air. I try through the pack link to reach my brother but it oddly lies uninterested in my mind, unwilling to relay a message.

Feeling through the tethers in my head, not that there were many left, they are all lying quietly, without energy. I stumble across a new link that wasn’t there prior to the attack. It is as quiet as the rest, but I have no idea who it leads to.

I shake my head in confusion, before refocusing on the chains at my wrists. I weave my fingers together to strengthen my grip, careful to avoid touching the silver chain and cuffs. Again, bracing my foot against the stone wall, I pull, while my sore body protests against using any force. Stubbornly I place the second foot on the wall, pulling against it as hard as I can. Not that it makes a difference, with chains and their anchor holding firm.

I flop against the wall, resting my aching arms. Why am I so sore? I should be halfway healed by now. My wounds should be sealed, bruises in their final stages, yet I feel like I'm not long off the battleground.

I try to call forth my wolf form but it is like a static noise in my head. Well, there goes plan B.

“Caleb?” I hoarsely call as loud as I dare, not wanting to bring attention to myself. But my surroundings are silent with the exception of the muffled voices from earlier and that stupid laugh I keep hearing. Seriously, was the man a damn seal in a past life!

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