Chapter 21 Sirus

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I stare expectantly at the lab technician.

“She’s surprisingly species-compatible.” He laughs. “Seems like mummy and daddy weren’t so pure-lined after all.” I cock my eyebrow in surprise.

Yeah, we've got hits on not just wolf but ancient Lycan lines, Dragon, and get this... vampire too. She’s a mutt. There is some other shit too, but I have nothing to compare it to.”

My other eyebrow jolts up to join the other. I’ll be damned. I laugh, how else can I react? Oh, the irony.

I’m just waiting on one more test to come back, to check her against you, then she should be good to go. Should be finished in twenty minutes, if that.” The tech drones on.

I wave him away. She has vamp DNA, therefore compatible. That’s good enough for me. There hasn’t been a mixed breed in centuries. She will be an amazing Queen and weapon, once trained. I think even my asshole father would be happy with the unicorn we have found.

I motion my brother forward. Go warm up our Queen for me I breathe through his mind. He smirks and is gone in a flash.

I take my time following him, he will already be balls deep by now. It’s his reward for starting the domino effect that led to breaking her mind. He can have this one last time with her before she becomes mine.

could hear her screaming from here, the day my brother killed her family. My brother loved that moment, it held a special place in the sick fucks head.

When I get to her cell, I take a good look at the once-proud warrior. The warrior has long gone, as is her pride and her spirit. She’s now thin, dangerously so. Her eyes are wide in terror but unseeing. Big dark circles under her eyes. Her body is a magnificent work of bruised and broken art. Yet even in her broken state, she is somehow still beautiful. Something I will grow to cherish.

I watch my brother with her for a while, before starting to remove the buttons from my shirt. She's making a weird sob-hiccuping noise. Her eyes dart around the cell, the hallucinogenic doing its job. Lord knows what she sees these days.

He bites her. Not his usual, but his special one. The one that gives pleasure. Her body reacts instantly, a moan comes from her mouth and a look of horror takes over her face as her body reacts to his thrusts. I see her jaw clench and her body shudder, as she tries to hold off. But her body sweeps her away in a powerful orgasm.

I remove my shirt and fold it nicely outside the door, before unbuckling my belt and removing my pants. Folding and placing them on top of my shirt.

I casually lean against the bars and watch as my brother comes hard with a roar before he pulls himself free. He smiles contentedly before gesturing me to move into his place, as he zips himself up to watch me in action.

My Queen however is beside herself. Her body's betrayal is too much. She is confused and humiliated in a moment of clarity as she realizes she caved to the enemy. Her face fills with self-loathing.

I stroll over to her and press my body against hers. The smell of the blood trickling down her leg makes my gums tingle as my fangs lengthen. My brother's venom is still in effect, as her body starts to respond to the feel of my hands touching her skin, despite her attempts to stop it and baring her teeth at me.

I move into position. My hands are on her hips, as I line myself up ready to sink home. I will mark her as I spill my seed in her, jump-starting her fertility and marking her as mine. I won't need to wait for her wolf's heat, the vampire in her should recognize me.

hear footsteps racing down the hall towards us and yelling. The Lab tech screeches to a stop, a look of horror on his face.

“Stop, stop! You can’t!” He screams, waving a piece of paper at me. I glance at my brother with furrowed brows. He steps to the lab rat and snatches the paper from him, glancing over the contents, before he starts roaring with laughter.

e starts pointing at me and tries to speak, but instead doubles over with mirth. My erection starts to droop. What the fuck is so funny! My head swivels back to the lab tech, glaring daggers at him.

“My L-lord." He stammers. “You can't. She's a familiar match!”

“What do you mean!” I growl out. My brother takes a deep breath, trying to control his laughter.

“Looks like that one moment you stole with your mate did the trick and without the mark. Super sperm much!” He dissolves back into depraved giggles. The lab tech nods gravely at me.

"Sire, she’s your daughter.”

y blood roars in my ears and horror sweeps through me. Mine, Mine to protect, mine to love. Oh my God, what have I done! I stagger back away from her and over to my clothes, shoving them back on. I steal glances at her from the corner of my eye. Despair crushing me.

I have broken the one thing that could have been my saving grace, the thing I was supposed to cherish the most. My one good thing left in this world and I have destroyed it. I can never take this back, never ever repair what I have done.

“I don’t see why you're laughing so hard.“ The tech says to my brother in disgust as he surveys my daughter's wreck of a body. “You're the one that fucked your niece.” My brother shrugs.

"Back in our earlier days, they married them, cousins too, sometimes siblings.”

swallow the bile that rises to my throat. I let my brother defile my daughter. I ordered him to break her. My brother glances at me, his eyes widen with an unexpected flash of sympathy and understanding.

I do up my belt and glance back at her, self-loathing and anger taking me over. I punch my brother hard. The force throwing him against the barred wall. I need to think and figure out how I move forward from this. I dart from the room and speed through the halls and out the entrance of the cave. The sunlight blinds me for a moment. I shield my eyes and stagger, before falling to my knees and vomiting.

Damn you to hell Sabine, you and your secrets. Look what you made me do to our daughter!

art of me wishes she was still alive, so I could kill the bitch all over again.

I gasp in air. I need a new plan. But first I need to get help for my daughter and shut this site down.

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