Chapter 11 Darius/Hulk

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"Fuck!" I yell as the link goes limp. I toss my plate at the wall and yank at my hair. Reece stands back up to his full height, having narrowly missed wearing my dinner. He scowls at me before stepping towards the bed I am stuck in.

"How is she, is she ok?" He demands. I shake my head.

"She was trying to filter the pain and emotions out, but I got enough of a whiff, she's not great, but she's hanging in there," I mutter.

"Did you manage to get any intel? Anything to push us in a direction?" Reece asks, desperate for something to point us the right way.

"She's being drugged, she's silver chained. Marcus and some vamp have her. Looks like an old modified underground dungeon or something like it. Caleb's there too. Alive and looks in good shape. The bond when it was fired up was pulling me to the west. No idea how many men Marcus has on-site." I say, rattling off everything I can think of.

Reece taps his chin as he thinks over the information.

"So, pack link starts to gain interference and act intermittent at around eight hundred miles and limp about fifty after that. If they are west and out of my range...." He yanks the map off the wall and brings it over to my bed. Pointing to us in Missouri, he drags his finger West toward Colorado. Pausing his finger, he starts checking the miles from where we are, to the towns on the map on his phone. "I'm pegging them to be somewhere around Canon city ways"

"You're saying they're in Dragon territory?" I say with disbelief. Reece shrugs at me.

"When you think about it, supe leaders are only allowed on dragon clan territory once a year to renew alliances, or by strict prearrangement, none of us would think of going there uninvited. It would be a slaughter to any non-dragon. You know what they are like with rogues and whatnot. The dragons are too arrogant to think someone would risk it these days. "

"I imagine they wouldn't be impressed to find a traitorous pack of rogues and wraiths camping under their noses." I muse. Reece grins and holds out my cell phone to me.

"So do you want to call them, or do you want me to do the honors?" He laughs. I swiftly snatch the phone and plug in the number to the Dragon King's assistant. No one gets to talk to the king without going through Adele first.

She answers on the fourth ring.

"This better be important Darius." She snarls down the phone.

"Oh, I'd say it's King's attention-worthy," I replied cockily.

"You have five minutes, convince me," Adele says disbelievingly. I can almost see her shaking her head and checking her perfectly vicious nails in boredom.

"I only need one. Rogues, wraiths, and a wolf pack turned traitor. On your territory, setting up base camp, all working together and you have zero clue they are there. Call me when his highness wants to talk." I hang up before she can acknowledge what I said.

Reece raises an eyebrow at him. I hold up a hand and slowly tuck a finger down each second. As I tuck the last one down, the phone begins to ring in my other hand. I shake my head; he is so predictable. I let it ring half a dozen times before I bother to answer it on speakerphone.

"Your highness." I begin smoothly, "So very nice of you to call."

"Where are they?" He barks.

"Well, your highness we believe they are in the Canon city area."

"Why in the blazes would they be there?" He sounds perplexed.

"I'll let Reece explain the math." I motion to Reece and let him explain why Canon city is of interest. Once he is done, the King is quiet on the other end, deep in thought.

"So not necessarily Canon city, anywhere just before eight hundred and fifty miles, as long as it's west." He muses. "I'll send out seekers."

"I'm not sure how effective that will be...They are underground. I got a glimpse through her eyes. Looked like an old dungeon, or a cave or something of the like, but there were new silver cells. Although I'm confused about how they managed to move their army there and modernize their new base, without the all-seeing dragons noticing." I taunt.

The King roars through the phone and I have to hold the phone away while he seethes. I know heads will roll once the base is located and whoever was patrolling that area will have their ass kicked. Finally, reigning himself in, the King snarls through the phone.

"I'll send Garret in on foot." He seethes. I hesitate when I hear the King's brother's name.

"How is Garret doing?" I ask cautiously. The King sighs. All hostility is suddenly gone.

"Loses himself a little more each day. I'm not sure how much longer he can hang on." He says reluctantly. His worry seeped through.

"Are there any signs of the dreams yet?" I ask.

"No, he's showing no signs of dream walking to his mate. I think he's too far gone now to know what they are, even if he did." The King sighs. Then his voice steels itself again. "I'll call when I find something." The line goes dead.

"Jesus, is it a good idea to send Garret out?" Reece asks. "The guy was barely sane last time we went to renew the alliance. What if he goes into a fit of bloodlust and hurts Eve and Caleb?"

"He's still a good tracker and the King's best bet to find the base. He's lethal too. Hopefully, there's enough of him still inside to recognize the difference between the bad guys and the innocent." I shake my head sadly. "He's been around too long without a mate to anchor his human side. God, I was getting tetchy at my age. Imagine going hundreds of years without finding your mate. She must be dead. It's unheard of for a dragon to be without so long. Such a waste."

"Wonder when the Kings going to put him out of his misery." Reece muses.

"Not sure, he sounds pretty worried. I imagine it won't be too far away. At least in the meantime, he makes the ultimate killing machine."

Looks like Eve's a long way from home.
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