Chapter 13 Eve

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The day drags on.

We eventually run out of small talk. Kassy sits cross-legged humming to her stomach and Caleb glares at me from his cell, hating that I was taking the punishment.

The vampire pops in on occasion to re-dose us (sometimes offering me his sick version of a reprieve) and a long time later he drops off water bottles to my brother and Kassy. Otherwise, we are left alone, much to our surprise.

Weren’t we prisoners because they wanted something? Information maybe? Where was the constant torture and beatings to make us talk? Why the weird weight game?

The burns from the chains keep us awake. My shoulders have gone past screaming pain to blessed numbness, thank the powers that be. I spend my time with my head leaned back, alternating between fantasizing about my escape and ripping out Marcus’s spine. I have decided I am going to make earrings from the vamp’s fangs too.

I have no idea how much time has passed. If it is day or night. I know I am tired, hungry, thirsty, sore, and pissed off. A winning combination.

At the sound of footsteps, I move my head back into position, to hazily glare at whoever has come to disturb my peace. It is the vampire and he has brought a friend... who is carrying a step stool, much to my confusion.

“What do you want!” I snap in a slurry voice.

”Break time.” The vamp chirps.

“No thanks.” My dry throat rasps.

He laughs. I’m so truly glad I could lighten up his day.

“No longer optional. Everyone needs a break.” He says as he places the stool behind me. “My friend here had an idea on how to make things even better. For me that is. I don’t think you will be a fan. Although maybe under that fiery front you put up, you enjoy a little kink.”

I watch his friend get in front of me. A wolf, rogue one at that and memorize his face. Another one for me to add to my hit list for later.

The Vampire steps up behind me and I hear the sound of his zipper being pulled down. I clench my eyes shut and steel myself for what is coming.

The hands go to my hips as I am lifted and forcibly impaled on him. My eyes burn and my body shudders with revulsion. Pain tears at my stiff shoulder muscles from the shift in position. My lower body spasms in pain. I can hear my brother and Kassy screaming at them to stop. Now she knows why I have no clothes on. I keep my eyes shut and think of my forest. It is safe in my forest far away from here.

The vampire gives a few practice thrusts before he says to his buddy. “Every three.”

He gives two hard thrusts and on the third, the man in front of me punches me straight in the guts. The air from my lungs whooshes out in surprise and makes my eyes pop open. My safe forest rips away from me as I am forced to be aware of my surroundings.

“Fuck yeah!” The vamp moans in pleasure. “I didn’t think she could get any tighter but she nearly choked my cock!”

So, it continues. A punch every third thrust and despite how I try to brace myself, the vamp’s moans let me know he is loving every minute. Kassy’s voice has gone hoarse from screaming and my brother is making guttural deadly growls.

But no matter how hard he thrusts or the rogue punches, I take pride in not making a single sound.

I know my stomach will be black and blue when the vamp finally finishes, withdraws, and releases his hold. My bruised stomach hurts even more with my dead weight and the weights on my feet pulling me down. The vampire zips back up and collects the stool.

“That was a great idea Skeet, thanks, man.” The vampire praises, clapping him on the back.

“No problem. Tried it myself a couple of times before, pure magic.” The rogue chortles.

“Is that all you’ve got? No wonder you need a helper.” I slur at fang boy. He looks at me questioningly. “You needed to tighten me, in the hope I would feel something. Smallest penis ever.”

“I bet I am the biggest you've ever had.” He scoffs and slaps me hard. I taste my own blood in my mouth and grin at him.

My brother calls out my name, though I am unsure if it is because I am hurt or because he wants me to stop goading the vamp. If it is the latter, he's out of luck. I am on a mission.

“Do you use tweezers and a magnifying glass to find it?” I muse.

He bares his fangs as he hits me again. My vision blurs from the punch to the jaw and I laugh.

Come on dickhead almost there I think.

“I’ve got it. You use a telescope, ’cause boy, you are hung like planet Pluto - hard to see with the naked eye!” I crow gleefully. He growls loudly and doesn’t hold back this time, hitting me with a closed fist, straight to the temple. I see stars. My vision wavers and darkens.

I feel myself losing consciousness and thank my lucky stars. My tired brain had been running out of insults, and I was worried it wouldn’t be enough to tip him over. Thank fuck men are so hung up on their dick size.

I gladly welcomed the darkness. An escape from this hell and a much-needed rest. Not even the burns from the chains and my injuries can keep me conscious this time.

The man must hit like a freight train though, as I don’t regain consciousness until I am shocked awake by my knees hitting the concrete. This is followed by my forehead, as the chains are released to start another day of Marcus’s twisted little game.

I look up into his smarmy face, spitting at his feet.

Bring it on you little bitch.” I grin.

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