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Florence! Cameron, she said smiling at me. I know at first, I was leery of her and telling her too much information, but after a few times of speaking with her and seeing her whenever she came into town, I felt like I could trust her. At least with my real name. I didn't tell her too much information about why I left home, only that it was time for me to go and that my mother wasn't looking out for my best interest. Of course, she said she knew, she'd been taking that bus for a long time and had seen many runaways on the bus. She said we all had this look, something of a deer caught headlights mixed with a little girl trying to prove that she was old enough to be on a bus by themselves. I hate to admit it, but she was right, I'd never been anywhere out of the city by myself and the fact that I took a bus was something that old Cameron would never do. I asked her why she chose to sit next to me of all the people on the bus. I remember that bus ride and there were at least 3 other girls younger than me on the bus. She never answered my question, she just said that some people need more care than others.

How are you doing she said as we exchanged hugs and sat down at the table? I am doing ok; I just go to work and to the library and stay out of trouble. You still switching hotels like I said right. Yes, ma'am I do, I actually need to switch soon, I think the people at my current hotel are getting suspicious. That's why I said switch, some people out here ain't worth the hassle. Plus, if you haven't noticed you in the land of white people, the stay looking at brown and black people as if this was still the 50's and 60's. Florence! What I am telling the truth. I know but you're white too. I am white, she said making a shocked expression before laughing me off. I know I am white, but I wasn't raised like other white people, my mother and father made sure that all of their children were cultured, and it probably helped that we lived in an all-black neighborhood too. Really! Yes ma'am, daddy couldn't afford the average white American dream, but he could afford the shot gun house that had AC and heat to take care of his wife and children. And mama, well she was a different story she said looking off. I wanted to ask more but seeing as how I have similar issues with my own mother, I didn't want to press the issue.

I was thinking about getting an apartment of my own once I turn 18. I started looking at the money that I've been spending on room rental and eating out all the time and it would probably be better for me to spend that on my own space. How much longer till you turn 18? 2 months and then I won't have to worry about being underage and people looking at me funny. That's very true have you started pricing out apartments, I mean it's more than just the rent. I know I did all the bills at home. Ok well did you think about your safety, staying at these hotels maybe expensive but you know they have cameras and there is always some at the front desk in case of emergencies. I didn't think about that. I know you want your own space, but honestly if you not moving in with a roommate, it's far cheaper to just stay in a hotel, I know there are some extended stay ones, where it looks like a little apparent and you pay by the week it's like 90 to a 100 dollars a week, with a kitchenette, bathroom, the security of knowing someone is watching your back because the doors are on the inside. You make a valid point about that; I'll look into it. Hey, I am just here to present the options.

How is your father doing? Still the same ole spunky man, he keeps asking me when I am going to move out here. Have you thought about that since the last time? I did, but I refuse to live with my sister, I ain't like living with her when we were younger, and I am definitely not going to live with her now. Was it bad growing up with a sister? It wasn't bad, but I also have 3 of them and 2 brothers, the house was always packed. I always wondered what it would be like to have a sister or a brother, being an only child sucked. She nodded a little before speaking again, have you spoken to your mother lately? No! Why would I need to speak to her? To let her know you are okay at least. She doesn't care about me; all she care about is her boyfriend and drugs. Cam...With all due respect, Florence I don't want to talk about her, we can talk about me. Ok I'll back off then. Thank you.

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