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The last few months have been a rollercoaster for me. There was that little pregnancy scare that had me terrified that I'd be tied to Nicoli for life. And then there was the altercation with one of his associates as he called them. I was completely caught off guard when this woman showed up to the hotel we were staying in and started cussing me out saying that I was messing with her husband. To my knowledge the only person that had the privilege of being married to Nicoli was Diamond and she definitely didn't show up to the hotel demanding to know why I was messing with her husband. Hell, she was paying me to mess with her husband. Our little agreement was working perfectly, I kept him out of her hair, and she kept me with money and a place to live on his dime. I will say though the $10K she as paying wasn't nearly enough, so I had to supplement that income with some side ventures of my own. One of which I was traveling too right now.

Hola Senora! Hola, I said nodding to the man as he opened the car door for me. In the last few months since our first visit, I'd made a few trips back to Curacao and then over to Colombia to handle business for Nicoli. Here lately though my trips have been more personal than business, at least for me. Nicoli was great and all, but he was a mediocre businessman, he didn't know how to make the right moves to capitalize on his investments. For instance, if he'd invested more in me, he'd make a hell of more money. It's easier to swindle people out of their money if they have something appealing to look at. But as I said this was more personal than business. I'd met someone that lived up to my standards of what a real businessman really is.

I primped myself while I rode to my destination in Puerto Colombia, it was a quaint little beach town not too far from Barranquilla. It was beautiful and out of all the times I'd been to Colombia I'd never seen anything quite like tike it before. It was about an hour drive before we pulled up to the hotel and the driver came around to let me out. Here you go Senora, I'll bring in your bags in for you. Thank you Gustavo I said sliding the money into his hand. No problem, he said nodding to me. I sashayed into the hotel toward the front counter to check in. Welcome to the Palmerano, how can I help you? Yes, I am checking in, Mrs. Cartier! Ahh Mrs. Cartier, we have the Penthouse suite ready for you. Thank you, I said, taking the room key from her and going towards the elevator. Mrs. Cartier, I mumbled to myself looking at the big diamond ring on my hand. We definitely weren't married, but in order for me to be over here and do the things I needed to do I had to have a cover story and mine was the wife of this American real estate mogul looking to invest in small tourist areas around the country. It was a short elevator ride before existing on the penthouse floor. The view was beautiful, and I could already feel the warmth coming in through the windows. Whew Genesis, you finally made it girl! You finally made it.

I took the opportunity to get freshened up before making that phone call. The phone rang a few times before I heard his raspy voice. Hola! Hola! You are in my country? Yes, at our meeting spot. Great I'll be there by sundown. You aren't already here. No, I had a few things to take care of, but I'll be there soon. You just put on something beautiful, and we'll meet for dinner. Ok. Don't sound like that, I promise I'll make it up to you. I look forward to that. I'll see you in a little bit. Will do he said before hanging up. As I said before this is more pleasure than business, I'd met a lot of interesting people since I'd been coming over here, but none more interesting Alejandro Escobar. Not to be confused with Pablo, although I did wonder if he was related to him. Because you just don't hear that name every day and especially not coming in and out of the US. Yeah, he'd been in the states before, that's actually where I met him the first time at the Bunny ranch. It was one of my rare times that I was actually allowed to be at the ranch. He'd come in with his some of "US colleagues" as he called them to do business. At that time, I wasn't sure what business he had in the US until Nicoli started taking me over to his country. Then it became very apparent what he was doing and how he was going to utilize me to do it as well. I took my time getting ready because I knew it would be quite a while before he showed up. And just as I expected it was about 8pm when he showed up.

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