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Ms. Thomas, I was really intrigued by your paper. You were? Yes, I was, I've never had a student write with so much passion and anger. Anger I said looking down. I didn't have to see you write it to know that you were angry when it was written. I am sorry, I can do it again if you would like me to. Now why would I have you write an A paper over again. An A, I got an A on it. Yes, ma'am you did she said smiling at me. I asked you to stay after class because there were some things that you mentioned in the essay. My father! Yes, how did you survive that situation. To be honest I am still surviving it. When I left, he was angry that I defied him and that I treated him the same way he treated us. And your brother, how is he doing? My brother is doing excellent, he's living with my older sister now and when he graduates, he plans to go into the military. That's so good she said nodding to me. That's all I wanted, if you ever need to talk, I am here for you. Thanks Professor I said nodding before leaving the auditorium.

I've been in school for a semester, and I must say I enjoy it. At first, I was a little apprehensive given that there weren't to many people who look like me here but once I got into my classes and really started to learn something I began to feel more comfortable with being one of the only black people in most of my classes. While school was going well, my personal life wasn't going as planned. I was supposed to move here reconnect with my mom and everything was going to be good right. Not right, I've tried to reach out to my mother numerous times and every time we set a time for us to meet, she bails out or doesn't show up at all. At first, I was sad and distraught because here I am trying and putting all this effort forth to see this woman and she won't even show up to see me. Now, now I am pissed off because I could have gone to any college in the US, but I settled for this mediocre college so I could be close to her. And if that wasn't insult to injury, I wasn't even getting the full amount of financial aid I needed to be over here. I've been living off my savings and that isn't going to last much longer, and I was not going to call my father for money. Hell at this point I wasn't calling my father for anything after what he did to me. I still can't believe he called the cops and said that I kidnapped my little brother. Like what sense does that make and how would the cops even believe that. Then again nothing that man says or does makes any kind of sense to me. Now I just had to do it on my own, I've been looking at a few places to work, the only thing is the pay is so low for what they want me to do and plus I don't have a car to get to most places, so I'd have to rely on the bus, which I don't want to do because the campus is far from the places I am looking at.

After meeting with my professor, I went back to my dorm to chill for a little bit before my last class at 4. Why I thought it was smart to take a class at 4 on a Thursday was a bright idea I have no idea. It's cool though because it was literally a 1-hour class on how to be successful in college. Hey Girl, you back to nap before class, my roommate said laughing. You know it girl! You got a message on the machine. Ok I'll listen to it. Alright I gotta go, I can't be late to this class again she said running out of the room. Bye girl. I pushed the button to see who called.

"Hi Baby girl, its mama, I just...I know I missed the last time, but I am serious this time, I wanna see you. Please call me when you get this. I love you!"

Sure, you want to see me, I mumbled to myself as I kicked off my shoes and laid on my bed. I've been here 4 months and she never made an effort to see me. If she wants to see me, she has to come to me I am done trying. I guess I was tired cause I dosed off and awoke to my roommate shaking me. Girl! Girl! Huh I said looking at her. You overslept and missed your class. WHAT! What time is it? 5:30. Oh my god I can't believe I slept that long. It's ok girl you been putting in work, I am sure you'll be ok missing one class. I've never missed school before in my life. Come again? I've never missed school; my father wouldn't have it. Even if you were sick? I either went sick or prayed to get sick on a weekend. Your father sounds like a jerk. Trust me, he is, I said chuckling before the phone rang. I'll get it, she said grabbing the phone and answering it. Hello! Yes, she's here. Oh, someone is in the lobby. Ok I'll tell her. Thanks. Someone is in the lobby for you. For me! They sure ain't here for me she said laughing.

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