~*** Onyx***~

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"Cartier Realty, how can I help you! Oh no I am sorry Mr. Cartier isn't in right now, can I take a message? You sure! Ok, well if he comes in, I'll let him know you called. You have a good day as well!" That's the 4th call from someone claiming to be Mr. Cartier brother, you'd think for that to be his brother he'd have his personal cell number if it was that big of an emergency. Hmph who knows, I jotted down the message and continued with my work for the day. I was running reports on profit margins and available real estate in Las Vegas. Nicoli was looking to expand his already sizable portfolio outside of St. Louis. I'd made a couple of trips to Vegas, and I knew exactly what he was doing out there. It wasn't my business as long as he signed the checks, I kept my mouth shut about the things I saw and heard while I was there. He was doing fairly well with the ranch but wanted to get more real estate out there, he was specifically looking for single family homes and condos in and near the strip and in North Las Vegas.

Hey girl you ready for lunch, the sectary from across the hall said. You going now it's only 10:30. Girl no its not, its 10 minutes to 1. No really, I said looking closer at the clock on the computer. Oh wow, I've been deep into these reports I can tell she said coming further into the office. If I am gonna go, I better go now, I need to leave on time to get my daughter I said saving the report. How is she doing last time you were here you said she was sick. She's much better now thanks, I said grabbing my purse so we could go to the diner around the corner. They had the best soul food on this side of town, and they were normally packed by this time, but we were hoping for the best. Wow I am surprised it ain't super packed I said as we went in. I know it looks like we beat the rush. Can I get you ladies some drinks? Lemonade! I'll have Dr. Pepper I need some caffeine. Ok I'll have it right out for you. Thank you. So, how's business at Cartier Real estate? It's good from what I know. He has me doing a lot of research for some upcoming projects he has. Interesting! Why is that interesting? No reason, it's just I heard my boss talking to some people about him and from what he said it sounded like he wasn't doing too well financially. Trust, I manage his books he's doing perfectly fine with the money. Well, I guess that's really none of my business, I just overhear a lot of stuff working in the office. Trust, I do to, like the fact that your boss has a nasty little habit for prostitutes. Prostitutes she said with raised eyebrows. Mhm I was working late a few nights ago and say them in the office together. He didn't see you. Nope I was working in Nicoli's study, so the lights were off downstairs. That's crazy cause he's married with children. A ring doesn't stop men from cheating!

I knew that all too well it'd been over a year since Melo died and I was still dealing with the fact that I didn't really know him. He'd always told me; he didn't make babies and not take care of them. Only for me to find out that he did. I guess I was the fool, for actually believing his lies. Sometimes I do miss him, and I find myself crying and wishing that he'd just did what I told him to do in the first place and maybe he'd still be here with me and Mercedes. I can't change the past, so I just have to proceed on with the future. The future was to make sure I take care of my daughter.

How are your kids doing? Fine Chile, getting on my last nerves, they are going with their grandparents for the summer, so I'll be kid free. I feel that I am trying to decide what to do with Mercedes for the summer myself. What does she normally do in the summers? Well normally she'd spend the days with her best friend while I was working but now that we've moved it's a little too far for me to drop her off every day. Have you thought about summer camp, I know a few places in town that are doing some daily camps. I don't know Mercedes isn't really into forced interaction. Ahh she's introverted. It's my fault for not really exposing her to too many people when she was younger. I just couldn't trust that they would look out for her the way I would, or my family would. What about your brother, doesn't he have kids as well. Actually, my brothers' kids are gonna go to my sister in law's family for the summer, so they won't be in town either. What about her dad! He's nonexistent in her life. Oh, I know the feeling. I am sure I'll find something for her to do, I said making a mental note to actually look into it more later. We talked a little more before they brought out our food and before we knew it, we were back at the office to finish the day. I closed it down at 5 because I couldn't stay late tonight, I promised Mercedes dinner at her favorite restaurant and then a movie. Since Melo died, things in our home have shifted a lot for us. We were both so used to Melo being in the house that it just doesn't feel right for us to be in the house alone. Even after moving to a new place, it still felt weird not having a man around, so we tried not to spend too much time in the house. For the most part we used it as a storage and sleeping place, accept on Sunday's when we had to do laundry and prepare for the week.

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