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Money on the table I repeated to the 5th girl that'd come into the office. I was so sick and tired of this place; I thought I could push through till I turned 18 and then go back to New York with Lulu. But 18 has come and gone and I am still stuck here in this hell hole. You probably thinking what stopped you from going back home? My "father" did, he went from being semi cordial to Satan, all of the sudden the freedom I once had to roam the ranch went to, I don't want you anywhere near the dancer quarters, you can only be in the public facing portions of the house and if there are girls in there you can't be there. Which basically meant, you go to work, your room and the cafeteria, that's it. I knew why he was hiding from me when I first got here, but what happened between then and now, I didn't know. Well, that's a lie because I heard rumors from the other girls about what he may have gotten into, but I couldn't take their word for it because some of them didn't even really know they were just running their mouths.

Damn Ruby, you shorted me 300! Sorry, that was for the little accident you had last week. You can't look the other way this one time. Nope I said looking up at the camera. She looked up at the camera and back at me, oh, well I guess I'll just have to suffer she said looking away. Sorry I said slipping the money back in the stack and I motioned for her to move along. She smirked and left the room. Some girls here weren't that bad, but there were others that I questioned their whole existence, especially when the "traveling dancers" started coming into the ranch. They were traveling dancers because they weren't permanent but that damn sure didn't stop some of them from causing trouble like they lived here. No doubt they brought more money to the ranch, but they also brought drama too. Syn was cool, she did what she had to do and went back to her room. I was surprised when she left abruptly. But I guess it was God warning her, because no sooner did she leave did my father come back. I didn't speak to her much but from what I heard through the grapevine she was sticking her nose in business that wasn't her own. I ain't want to believe that she was literally here 2 maybe 3 times. And I as I said before she didn't bother anyone the only people she really spoke to were Phoenix and Emerald. But I guess during her time here, she ruffled Rocci's feathers as well, when she left Rocci went on a rant talking about how the she couldn't dance no way and she was just there cause drama.

Sparkle was the next girl to show up at the ranch, I can't say I was surprised to see her, because one look at her was like a walking wet dream. What surprised me was her demeanor, on the outside she looked like sex and lots of it. But when she was here didn't say much, she danced, got her money and went back to her room that she shared with Sapphire. Now the fact that Sapphire even allowed her to share a room with her was shocking cause everyone knows that she don't talk to many people in this place. But it was something about Sparkle that allowed Sapphire to really trust her. Of course, as a new girl coming into the ranch, Rocci tried to pull some shit on her too. Mhmp but she underestimated the pretty little Hispanic girl and met the sharp end of her razor blade, it took 10 stiches to close up that gash on her arm. After that Sparkle didn't come around as much, as far as I knew she was still expected to come but she just made her visits more intentional only coming when Rocci wasn't at the ranch or when she was busy doing whatever it is that she does when Nicoli lets her go out of town. If she wasn't picking at Sparkle or any other girl there, she's picking at Sapphire. Now if she knew like I knew she'd leave Sapphire alone as well, quiet, or not she's very much not dealing with a full deck and will hurt her. Maybe she should ask Mystic about messing with Sapphire, since she broke her arm Mystic won't even walk down the hall if Sapphire is in it. And when it comes to roll call before performances, you can forget Mystic even mentioning her name, as far as she's concerned Sapphire knows when she's on the schedule and she goes on stage at that time.

Now moving on to Dynasty, she's definitely not how we thought she was she was when she first came here. At first, she was nice and personable. Then she started hanging out with Rocci. She had to pick the worst person in the whole ranch to form a bond with. But hey if she like it, I love it as long as they aren't coming at me, I am good. She should, however, watch her back because hanging with Rocci will only lead to destruction or disappearance. I may be removed from the Bunny ranch and living with the dancers, but that doesn't mean I don't know everything that goes on with them. Rocci, Rocci is into some shady shit and I am surprised that no one else has noticed how many girls have just randomly "left" after being involved with her. First it was Nyx, and then this girl Kai, she wasn't even here a month, before she got hooked up with Rocci. And then there was Gina. Gina wasn't even a dancer. She worked the bar with Phoenix, how she got involved with her I don't know but she did, and they've been whatever it is they do for a while until a few months ago when Gina stopped coming to work. No one has seen or heard from her, and her truck was parked in the garage for a few days before it too wasn't there any longer.

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