7- The Secret

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Mason's P.O.V.

"Wait, Raelyn!" Carol calls out after her daughter, seeing her escaping up the stairs. Persistent. I better help her out.. "Hey, Carol, uh, do you think I could ask you about something? Don't worry, I'll explain everything." I say. Hearing this, Carol sighs, and nods. Seeing this, I lead her into the office.

After calming her down with a false story fitting Rae's, she smiles, and walks with me out of the office. "I think they're both lucky to have you here, Mason." Carol says. "I appreciate that, Carol." I say, accompanying her to the staircase. Walking onto the stairs, she stops, and turns. "Oh, and I can see if I can dig up that stone you're looking for. It's bound to be tucked away in one of Richard's nooks and crannies." She says, before walking upstairs. As she does, I see Tyler walk out of the kitchen, watching his mom go upstairs. "Hey man, you heading up?" I ask. "In a minute. Night, mom." Tyler answers me, before saying goodnight to her. Carol smiles down at him. "Night, Tyler." She says, continuing to climb. We both watch until she disappears. "Hey man, I'm sorry about earlier, we all good?" I ask. "Yeah, we're good." He says. "Alright. Night." I say, patting his shoulder, before walking away.

The next day..

Stefan's P.O.V.

Damon opens the door, so Ric can come inside. "Thanks for coming, Ric. Can I get you something to drink? Coffee, bourbon, bourbon in your coffee?" Damon asks. Ric sighs and crosses his arms over his chest. "Elena mentioned you needed my help?" Ric asks, getting straight to the point. "Yeah. We were, uh, hoping you could help shed some light on The Lockwood Family." I explain, while sitting next to Elena. Ric's face seems to get serious, before he looks between the three of us.

 Ric's face seems to get serious, before he looks between the three of us

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"Why would I know anything about The Lockwoods?" Alaric asks. "Well you wouldn't. But your dead-but-not-actually-dead Vampire wife might." Damon says, making him sigh. "Isobel's research from when you guys were at Duke together." Elena implies. "You said that she had spent years researching this town.." I urge him to talk. He sighs again. "Isobel's research here in Mystic Falls was rooted in Folklore and Legend. At the time, I thought most of which was Fiction." He explains. "Like that amazing Vampire story." Damon instigates. Elena rolls her eyes at him and looks to Alaric. "Aside from Vampires, what else?" Elena asks. Seeing we weren't going to let him go easily, he gives in. "The Lycanthrope." He says. Damon and I immediately exchange a glance. Lycanthrope..? Wait, isn't that..?! "Wait, like Werewolves?" Elena asks, snapping me from my thoughts. "No way. Impossible. Way too Lon Chaney." Damon says in disbelief, leaning forward on the chair he sat in. "Is it..?" I ask, looking to him. He looks to me, before rolling his eyes. "I've been on this planet 160 some odd years, never come across one. If Werewolves exist, where the hell are they..?" Damon asks, not convinced, smirking to himself.

Raelyn's P.O.V.

In the early morning, Mason and I meet up in the living room, before we leave the house. We were going to run a bit, before tonight. I am not looking forward to tonight, no matter how many times we go through it, it never gets any easier.. It was unfortunately a Full Moon tonight. So, we were going to inspect the old underground cellar on the property, to see if the cells down there were able to be used still. However, as we got closer to it, the wind changes direction, bringing with it a familiar scent, belonging to Tyler. Smelling this, Mason and I exchange a glance, before sighing. Of course he didn't give up yet.. Rolling my eyes, Mason and I sigh, before running down the stairs, and back up, continuing our run, so that we didn't look more suspicious than we already did. Let him think what he wants, we won't tell him anything unless we have to.

Stefan's P.O.V.

"But why suspect The Lockwoods?" Alaric asks. "Because Vervain didn't affect The Mayor on Founder's Day, The Gilbert Device did. And, it affected his son Tyler." Damon explains. "And at The School Carnival, his Uncle Mason and a woman named Rae exhibited...Inhuman behavior when they fought one of the Carnival workers." I add. This catches Alaric's attention and he quickly looks over to me. "Rae? As in Raelyn Lockwood?" Alaric asks. Damon and I furrow our brows at his reaction. Raelyn Lockwood..? That makes so much more sense now! I remember how Damon said she hadn't left Mason's side the entire night. How Rae had yelled 'Uncle Mason' after Mason had gotten punched. Why did it take so long for that to register..? As I think that, I see how Alaric's face was still surprised. Wait...why did he ask it like that..? Does he...know her..? "We...didn't know her last name at the time but, she did yell out 'Uncle Mason' during the fight, so, I'm assuming so...why? Do you...know her..?" I ask curiously, and a bit concerned by his facial expression.

Hearing this, Alaric sighs, and leans forward. "Not personally but, there was...an incident that...happened about 6 years ago.." he trails off. My brows furrow. "What kind of incident..?" I ask concerned. Alaric sighs. "The kind that leads to a young man's death.." Alaric explains, making my eyes widen. "Wait, she killed someone?" I ask. "Yes, but only out of...self-defense. It was an accident." Alaric says. "How do you accidentally kill someone? It's either you're a killer or you're not." Damon says. Alaric sighs once again. "Well, they were both seniors in high school, and were dating. The boyfriend; who was young and stupid; got too bold, and she rightfully defended herself...unfortunately, that resulted in the boyfriend's death." He explains. "Okay, how exactly did this 'accidental' murder happen?" Damon asks. "I know this one. Raelyn Lockwood is Tyler's older sister. I remember hearing about what happened from my parents. She ended up kicking out at him, and breaking his neck. Mason had been on one of his morning runs. He found her on the ground unconscious and brought her to the hospital. They found out once she woke up.." Elena explains. Damon scoffs. "Once again, Uncle Lockwood saves the day. How convenient.." Damon says. "If I remember correctly, there was a big fight between her and Tyler. Mayor Lockwood got involved, and Mason ended up taking Rae away from Mystic Falls, once the case was settled. She hasn't been back in 6 years. She must've come back after hearing about Mayor Lockwood's death." Elena says. "Yeah.." Alaric says, before shaking his head. "But, we've gotten off track, we can talk about that later. Stefan, what were you saying about last night..?" He asks, looking back to me.

"Ah, right. During the fight, I saw something that suggested they were some sort of Supernatural Entity. The way they fled the scene afterwards only added to our suspicions." I explain. Elena nods and speaks. "We were hoping that Isobel's research could help us figure out what it is..?" Elena asks. Alaric nods to himself. "Well, all of her things are still at Duke. I mean, her office is still there. She's technically still missing." Alaric says. "So, can we get access to it?" Damon asks. Alaric sighs and rubs the back of his neck. Seeing he didn't answer, Damon sighs as well. "Look Ric, we need to know what we're dealing with here. If this Wolf thing is true, I've seen enough movies to know it's not good. It means that Mason and Raelyn Lockwood are real-life Lon Chaneys, and that little Tyler punk may just very well be Lon Chaney Jr. Which means Bela Lugosi; meaning me; is totally screwed. So, are you going to help us or not..?" Damon asks.

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