108- Trapped

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Author's Note: Added a scene to the main storyline. Nothing major, just something to bring Rae into the story more. Enjoy!

Elijah's P.O.V.

Knocking on the door to the Salvatore's house, I wait

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Knocking on the door to the Salvatore's house, I wait. Soon, Elena opens the door, and immediately freezes in place. "Stefan.." she calls out warily, keeping her eyes on me. Seeing me standing there, Stefan quickly walks to her side protectively. "Elijah.." he says. Smiling, I speak. "Hello again." I greet formally.

Raelyn's P.O.V.

After searching the whole house, I was still unable to find them. However, as worry fills my chest, my phone rings, catching my attention. Quickly pulling it out, I see mom's caller ID, and breath a sigh of relief, before answering it. "Where are you guys? I've been searching the entire house!" I scolds her. "Why are you back in Mystic Falls?! Sweatheart you need to leave immediately! Alar--" I cut her off. "I'm well aware of the Alaric situation, that's why we're here! Elijah and I came back to help Rebekah and make sure you're safe! Now, where are you? Are you guys hurt?" I ask worriedly. "We're fine, but Sweatheart, listen to me very carefully. The council is watching the house, if you're inside right now, you're in danger! You need to get out of there!" Mom says in a panic. The moment those words find me, I hear the quiet click of the door downstairs, a group of footsteps following shortly after. "Sh*t..!" I say quietly, hanging up the phone, before quickly retreating into my bedroom, making sure to stay quiet. Once inside, I quickly text her, to tell her they're inside, but not to worry about me, and stay wherever she was. Hitting send, I look around my room, to decide the best way out of this. If I tell Elijah the hunters have me surrounded, sure, he'd be here in a heartbeat, but then we'd both be in danger...I won't risk his safety...especially not when Alaric is who knows where, with an indestructible White Oak stake.. Hearing they were all still downstairs, I quietly grab my old backpack, and stuff a few pairs of clothes inside, making sure to grab the picture of Mason and I on my nightstand, as I do.

Once done, I sigh, and carefully peek out of my bedroom window, checking if I'm surrounded. There were a few heartbeats that I heard, but no more than four. Still, just to be sure, I quietly make my way into my bathroom. Once inside, I check out that window. There were only two heartbeats heard below. Two is better than four, I guess.. Sighing, I listen in to see where the hunters inside the house were. Sounds like they're still looking for me downstairs...there's two coming upstairs as well.. Sighing, I decide it's time to go, as I quietly unlock the window, remove the screen, and climb up onto the windowsill once I lock my bathroom door. Taking a deep, calming breath, I wait for the hunters to turn their backs. One specific hunter stopped beneath me, their back to me, as they survey the surrounding area. Sneak attack, it is then...afterall, that'll be one less hunter on my a**.. With that thought, I quickly leap out of the window. Soon, the hunter slams to the ground face first with a loud thump, quickly catching his partner's attention. The moment they turn towards me, their gun is pointed at me in a matter of seconds. Seeing this, I speak. "Now, now, let's not do something you'll regret.." I warn him quietly, my hands slowly raising in 'surrender'. Seeing his finger reaching for the trigger to his pistol, I sigh. "Listen pal, I'd rather not have to kill you.." I say, once again, giving him a chance to reconsider. Unfortunately, before he could, someone fires at me from behind.

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